What is Islam? What do Muslims believe about God, life after death, and Prophets.

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This video is a brief overview of the core believes of Islam. Please take a few minutes to learn what Islam teaches about God, purpose of life, life hereafter, prophets, scriptures, and angels.
Muslims believe in:
1) One God - the Omnipotent, the Provider, the Sustainer, Most Gracious, Forgiving, and Just God
2) A life here after - based on your faith, intentions and actions in this life. There will be accountability and justice. Reward in form of Paradise and punishment in form of Hell. God is just and the sole Master of the day of Judgement.
3) Prophets - chosen people that God selected to be a role model for us. Prophets were inspired by revelations by God. These include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and the last and final Messenger being Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon all of them)
4) Scriptures - sent by God to the Prophets to be a source of guidance and remembrance. These include scriptures given to Abraham, Psalms of David, Torah to Moses and Bible to Jesus. The last and final scripture is Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It's the word of God preserved as a book that has many miracles within it. Each words and letter is preserved for all times.. exactly the way it was revealed over 1400 years ago. Quran invites us to read, think, and reflect.
5) Angels - dutiful creation of Allah.

Islam teaches us to live a pious life, be conscious of God and think about the consequences of our actions. it teaches us to give the rights of God (sincerity, prayer, fasting, etc) and rights of people (parents, spouses, children, siblings, relatives, neighbours, poor and needy, community, all humanity).

Islam gives us a purposeful life, peace of heart and sense of responsibility and accountability. The hardships and luxuries are all temporary and a test for how we act with those opportunities.

Please feel free to reach out for any questions.
You can also find more information about Islam on the following resources:
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Good to see you after long
Love your work


Very good,
great information in simple words 👍
