How to Get Rich: Index Fund Investing for Beginners

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How to get Rich: Index Fund Investing for Beginners! We talk all about the advantages of index funds, expense ratios, etc and why Warren Buffett loves this passive investing strategy for most investors!

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0:00 - Start Here
1:30 - What is Index Fund Investing?
3:47 - Advantages of Index Funds
6:55 - Example Index Funds
8:58 - What I Do Personally
10:57 - When To Start?
11:20 - Schwab Study
13:16 - When Is it "Too Late"?


PS: I am not a current Financial Advisor, any investment commentary are my opinions only. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I do receive a commission for & they help support the channel!

Investing in index funds offers a structured and diversified approach to building wealth, managed by professional fund managers. While there are costs and some limitations, the benefits of diversification, professional management, and ease of access make mutual funds a popular choice for achieving a variety of financial goals.


Recently bought some recommended stocks and now they are just penny stocks. There seems to be more negative portfolios in the last 3rd half of 2023 with markets tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business. My concern is how can the rapid interest-rate hike be of favor to a value investor, or is it better avoiding stocks for a while?


Dividends are dope. Personally, I sometimes use my dividends to buy other dividend and growth stocks for diversification instead of reinvesting in the same stock. To each their own methods though. The good thing is that you’re investing in the first place and that’s what’s important. Salute for the content!


When I was an undergrad, one of my professors told us "Unless you plan on becoming a trader as your career AND have access to a hedge fund's research tools, you're best off DCAing into index funds and maybe ETFs." Then, he told us to take the time we would spend on staring at charts, and instead learn three things to mastery. One thing that's useful, one thing that's interesting, and one thing that's just plain fun.

Served me pretty well so far.


My spouse and I are adding a variety of stocks/ETF to my present holdings for the long term, We've set aside $250k to start following inflation-indexed bonds and stocks of companies with solid cash flows, I believe it is a good time to capitalize on the market for long-term gains, but it wouldn't hurt to know means of actualizing short term profit.


Luv the ETFs. I own both SCHD and DGRO. SCHD is one of my cores in the managed portfolio.
I also own VPU (utilities ETF), AMD tech stocks, but I also own an individual utility company like DUK.


Agree and own all 5 of these. Only thing I would add, is getting a good portfolio manager.


The Market have been suffering over the past month, with all the three indexes recording losses in recent weeks. My $400, 000 portfolio is down by approximately 20%, any recommendations to scale up my returns before retirement will be highly appreciated.


The only thing people miss is that it takes time to really see results and looking at your portfolio everyday can really make you go mad (speaking from experience)


So about 68% of my portfolio is in passive index funds and ETFs VFTAX, VOO, VTI among others. I make use of an F.A Dianne Sarah Olson It’s pleasant for me this way, these are suitable steps for seeking greater cash flow on long term trends.I feel like even if 20% of my portfolio underperforms, I’ll still generate income from having a diverse portfolio. Better than spending my money on an expensive shoe or vacation lol.


One of the few finance YouTubers who isn’t a pure cringe show.


This video was so helpful thank you so much! Also, my favorite quote was “I’d rather be boring and rich than excited but super out of money”😍👍🏻


What are your thoughts on moving from individual stocks to ETF? That would mean selling and taking a loss on some stocks I want a balanced portfolio, with growth investments, safe investments, and also a focus on dividends


Whats the difference between VOO s&p etf vs VFIAX?


Great vid! Appreciate if you could do a dive into when to sell these funds ? say in the case of retirement?


Can you make a video comparing index funds vs ETF’s


As someone who has been investing in a Roth IRA for 2 years now…it seems S&P 500 (domestic), FTHIX or FSPSX (international) and FXNAX (Bond) are the way to go?

If so, what’s the best way to divide if putting 4-6k a year? Do we put it all in at once or little by little each month? Just want to be accurate without using an advisor.


Hi Humphrey, thanks for the video! Can you walkthrough your portfolio in one of videos?


Just started investing in VOO and SMH etfs not alot but like 50 a week into both and some other individual stocks. (My etfs are on my individual account should I buy them using my Roth IRA first?)


@2:00 I'm from Australia and yes CMC markets is the one that I use.
Great information as always!
