how to copy paste on next empty cell from another range | Excel VBA Questions # 3

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the question i got is "Thank you very much for the tutorial on Finding next empty row with offset and end function. Can you please show how to copy paste on that empty cell from another range. What I want to do is that, I have a column with stock close price. I extract close price every day in separate column, I need to bring close price every day at the end of my choose column, I request for a easy way , if possible avoiding looping , Thanks and regards,Mohammad Shahadat Hossain".
And gives me further information by saying "Thank you very much brother for your kind and quick reply, May I know when and how I can attend to your live tutorial on this,

I am explaining again my question so that I get the right tutorial ,

1] suppose I have column A and column A1 is heading "Close price" in this column values are A2:10 , A3: 15, A4:20, A5:25 and so on

2] Suppose I have another column B and column B1 is heading "Last traded price", In this column every day I extract last trade price from Dhaka stock exchange ,

In cell B2 every day last traded price is downloaded and this value is changed everyday and this is fixed cell where price extract.

I want value from B2 will come automatically to the end of column A everyday and this process will continue for ever i.e it will not end up.

Wish you all the best and Almighty Allah might bless you, Brother"

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this helped Short sweet and exactly what I needed


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Assalamualikum, Brother you have almost understand my question and Me to get the most of the desire answer. Thank you once again.

Here data in column A is fixed, which you have understand, In column B there is only one data in B1 which is changed everyday, I want this B1 data will come automatically at the end of column "A" without button everyday once a time and will continue to add at the end of column" A ", day after day, is it possible?


Hello! It was a great and very helpful video. In fact, I also try to find a solution to a very similar task. I want to do the exact same thing but instead of pasting it on next empty cell of an existing column I want to paste it to another sheet and on the right of an existing column. Please can you help me? I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance!


how to copy paste on next empty ROW from another range
