Healthy employees are happy employees

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If you think wellbeing at work is all about the best coffee and pinball machines in the break out areas, think again. These days, companies have to work a lot harder at employee health and happiness than bean bags and heritage beans in a break out room – something Philips has prioritized for our own people. These days, we’re upping our game when it comes to employee wellbeing. Why? Because we spend about a third of our lives at work, so changing habits in the office can have a huge impact on our health outside office hours. Then there’s the happiness factor to consider. In an ongoing trend, employees are looking beyond the paycheck for job satisfaction. And they have every right to. A 2014 study at the University of Warwick found that happiness also happens to be good for business, boosting productivity by 12%.
The new Health & Happiness program at the Philips headquarters in the Netherlands aims to do just that. This pilot project embodies the values of our wellbeing initiatives that are being rolled out at Philips offices across the globe. As a leading innovator in health technology, wellbeing is at the heart of the what Philips does.
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