Music Theory: Gruntilda's Lair from Banjo-Kazooie

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A look inside the music theory of Gruntilda's Lair from Banjo-Kazooie.
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Banjo Kazooie music really needs more recognition!


Banjo-tooie's interpretation of the motif representing the "lost of innocence" makes so much sense. The game really feels more grounded in reality in comparison to the first one.


As a visual learner, I really liked how you added the extra visuals explaining the different notes/tones being played. Watching the notes and hearing the music with it really gave me a better understanding of what you were talking about.


16:11 Kirkhope is a music composition genius, but of all the insane work he's done, the losing jingle literally sounding like Gruntilda laughing at you is just perfection. Each note slide is an individual "ha" from a "hahahaha", and it's audible. Genius guy


Great analysis! Something I also noticed during the final boss theme is that it's a mix of Gruntilda's theme, Mad Monster Mansion and Rusty Bucket Bay. This really cements imo that these two areas are the ones where her influence is the strongest.


When you beat Grunty and go back to her lair, her laughing stops because she's gone. When I first noticed it, I thought it was such a cool little detail. It made me smile.


I never thought the banjo kazooie music was this ambitious that's really cool


Omg the part where you sprinkled notes from the egg mobile killed me 🤣 Excellent video as always!


Donkey Kong Country 2 does something similar where it sets up the villian's leitmotif right at the the title screen and you hear it playfully peppered throughout until the final K. Rool Duel.

Nice to see Banjo-Kazooie continue that in spirit.


I always felt the major-sounding sections in Gruntilda’s theme felt like they represented Banjo sneaking in and gave the listener a reminder that we they were here, and that they could still stop Gruntilda.

But mostly I just enjoy listening to the mallet percussion 😊


Banjo Kazooie, along with Diddy Kong Racing, is one of the games that really caught my attention with dynamic game music when I was a kid.


This was amazing, even "delicious", a real treat even down to the video editing. I hope Grant sees this, it's a dreamy homage (my fave part was analyzing the mansion theme). I'm gonna have to re-watch this a few times to soak all the info, but bravo and bless you Alex. I'm inspired to make my own music partly thanks to your clarifying work.


Gruntys battle theme has always been my favorite. Its very atmospheric and its length works for each phase of the boss. Not to mention the mad monster motif and all the instruments being used


15:03 Dude, i would loved that Mario 64 had done that with the music! I don't know if you made that little arrangement with peach's castle and shifting sand land themes mixed, but if you did, I need a full medly of all the levels!
Loved the video. BK and BT are of my favorites games of all time. Just a little sad that you didn't talked about the grunty's furnace fun variation, I know it's not that different but I love that theme


I love your style of music analysis because you take into account the context it is applied in-game, and don't just look at the music in a vacuum. it makes things easier to understand, and also much more entertaining to watch ... it doesn't feel like I'm attending a lecture or something lol


Banjo Kazooie is probably the only franchise where I can say that I like everything that the titular characters appear in.


Wow, you're really getting some good mileage out of that Egg-O-Matic.

This is such a cool musical theme. I love hearing variations on a single tune, really cool to use that as the basis for a hub world. Might have to give this game a go sometime!


all my life wanted see this kind of fully detailed music theory of Gruntilda Lair, this was perfect, edition was awesome, very profesional . There were two theories always wanted to see, the first one Gruntilda Lair, the second one Contra Hard Corps OST of Sega japanese version, it could be a dream if someone do the second one. About Grant, every day learn how he did an excelent work using the minimal details to transport us to a different world. Thank you Alex


This was definitely the soundtrack of summer '98 for me without at doubt! I remember playing this game so much as a kid I used to 100% speed run it just for fun. As much as I love Mario 64 I always felt this game was superior in every way. Unfortunately I never got around to part two as I had moved to to the Dreamcast by that point, although I heard the second one wasn't as good so I guess there's that.

If I had one nitpick about the video it would be that I would have loved to had heard the gameshow version of the song in some capacity, other than that it was captivating from beginning to end!


For some reason I've always had the bizarrely best luck when it comes to people covering media. I just started playing Banjo Kazooie for the first time about 2 days ago and now suddenly someone I'm subbed to makes a video about it. No clue why so many things keep lining up for me like this, butI'll take it
