LaserDisc Collection Update – May 2020

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Culturedog Sam Hatch is here again with a moderate stack of standard def wonder! Commons, DTS releases, documentaries, music discs, car titles, arthouse, animation, Criterion, boxed sets, signed jackets, Star Wars… there’s a bit of everything in here!

Listen to "Culture Dogs" Sunday nights at 8pm EST on WWUH, 91.3 FM in CT. Also streaming live (and then archived via StreamRewind) on:

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Intro music: "Anger Mgmt." by Sever the Drama.

So many of Tim Curry’s movies are underrated! I love him in Muppet Treasure Island!


Amazing additions to your collection Sam! 😀


Dude, just found your channel and I love it. You are very down to earth! Keep it rockin


Great update Sam! I recently purchased a large lot as well. Like 120 discs or something. I had to have them shipped, but it would have cost me the same amount of money in fuel and sustenance to drive and get them. So I had em shipped out in three different boxes. Quite a decent lot of stuff I haven't seen before. Fist full of Criterions, like Pulp Fiction, The English Patient, and a few others. I paid about 2.75$ a disc in Canadian pesos. And shipping altogether was about 150$. So, 450$ wasn't too bad. Reservoir Dogs was in there and I hadn't seen it before. What a great movie. It's funny that not too long ago you and I were talking about equipment for upscaling and how I'll never find a DVDO. Sure enough, the same guy I bought the lot from, had a DVDO VP 20. I grabbed that for 75$, which I thought was a steal of a deal. It works great hand in hand with my DVD recorder.


Those are some great additions to your collection. I always enjoy watching your update videos.


As soon as an updated video pops up I’m watching thanks for awesome videos and your love of the format


Hi Sam. Glad you liked the discs. You got some cool pick-ups in the last lot 👍🙂 I really must get me that Japanese Star Wars Box Set 🙂 Cheers, Alan.


Some excellent pick ups you got there Sam keep up the amazing work


Amazing pick ups!

I've bought 3 separate copies of Speed over the years, and they've all been rotters, so I've been burned out by that flick.

Funny story - after I saw Speed at the movies in 1994, we came back home and turned on the tv only to see the infamous O.J. white Bronco chase across L.A. on CNN. I'll never forget that.


Ah, Days Of Thunder. Back when you could sell a movie with nothing but a big purple Tom Cruise face :D

I picked up that Star Wars Collector's Set a few years ago for a decent price. The films themselves are super dark, black crush everywhere. Comparing it to the US equivalent release, it's a significant difference. Probably were calibrated differently for Japanese television sets.

This box set has the best version of From Star Wars To Jedi, as it has a digital audio track and better quality video than the earlier Japanese release from 87 or 88. And is significantly better than the US VHS release. Mostly the reason why the set goes for a pretty penny online.

Thanks for sharing!


Culturedog, I acquired some new LaserDiscs earlier this week and one of them was Batman Returns! I realy lucked out because it is the WEA Pressing so there are no defects and no rot at all!

I cleaned the discs, spun them up, and all three sides played perfectly!


Always a good to see a copy of Total Recall.
Love that Tim Curry signed Rocky Horror.


Some great finds. I’m super envious of those dts discs and boxsets. Been trying to get the Beatles set for some time as I learned they made changes for the DVDs. Flash Gordon letterbox is essential for the awesome sound mix.


omg, send me that DARYL now! i loved that movie. i know, deep down inside, that i, too, am a robot.


hey dog,
just some clown down in New Zealand,
I think that Days of thunder release is possibly one of the very best Laserdiscs PQ wise...


Lucky you got Joel Schumaker’s autograph! Rest peacefully.


I have been expanding my horizons to 60s and below movies. I’m finding I enjoy more of the longer epic films like Ben-her, Spartacus, four feathers, etc. I enjoy the period practical effects and set designs. Slower yes, but I’ll take that over reality tv any day.


I'm still waiting on my huge Good Squid order (air mail, but did't quite make it out of Japan before mail to the US stopped). It'll be a race to see which gets here faster...your 'slow-boat' or my airmail! haha


If only you knew somebody named Michael who was also a huge Lost Boys fan!


Great pick-ups. The Star Wars set i brillent I got that one. Dam that beatles set is the same as the 9 record set which takes a while to get through. Still need to get Who Framed on LD.