Holland. The Original Cool. The Beginning.

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Greetings, gallant traveler! Tell us, what do you know about Holland? Picturesque canals? Windmills? Master paintings from the Golden Age? Yes, we have it all! But let us show you what's really cool about Holland and we'll start with Amsterdam. In 2013 the city is celebrating a host of incredible milestones, so there's never been a better time to book a trip. You call it a travel day, we call it the first day of vacation!

We would also like to introduce you to our partners KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Schiphol Airport, and Amsterdam Marketing. They have made it simple and easy for any traveler to come to Holland and experience The Original Cool!

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Our country isn't just only Amsterdam.
Rotterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Groningen, Maastricht, our 5 Islands in the North of the Netherlands, our landscape like the Veluwe, the Keukenhof gardens, the small village Giethoorn, the Delta Works, the mill network at Kinderdijk, our west coast, the hills of the province of Limburg and a lot more.
a country of 17 million people, but in 4 hours you are driving from the North to the South of the Netherlands.

I think that I'm a lucky man that I'm living in this beautiful country


One of my best friends since elementary school is from Holland. I spent a lot of my childhood at his house. I became in awe of their dutch traditions such as farming, dairy products, and delicious home cooked meals, as well as family values. Him and his family were probably the hardest working and nicest group of people I've ever met. Heck, even over the years of being around him, I even picked up on a little dutch!


You say Holland we say The Netherlands


That's just about the coolest tourism commercial I've ever seen for any country ever. I'm sold. Holland, you're officially at the top of my list. Well done


Soy de Costa Rica y mis respetos para Holanda es un País con una arquitectura y colores hermosos por lo visto en este video. Dios bendiga a Holanda.


I moved to Delft, NL from Minneapolis about 3 years ago.... it's been awesome. I moved with my wife and kids and we've had a great time.


Amsterdam, a fairy-tale city... 
Holland, the original cool, for sure !!!
I adore this Video, thank you so much !!!!


LOVE HOLLAND!!! Greetings from Portugal


Oh.. I like a Holland, Holland it's beautiful...


I've never met a more chilled out people than those from Holland. Seriously it's amazing.


We happened to be in Amsterdam for the coronation of their new king on Queen's Day 2013.  Queen Beatrix abdicated her throne exactly 30 years to the day after being crowned. The entire city was a sea of bright orange, people packed into Dam Square; a street party that started early and went all day long.  Try as we might, we never found the edge of the party, it just went on forever from the Red Light District to Rembrandt Square; from the museum district to the harbor area. 

Great music, incredible food, everyone in a festive mood, street peddlers offering everything from household items to laughing gas balloons, coffee shops brimming with people, canals chock-full of boats of every kind overflowing with revelers, and everywhere we turned, we met the most beautiful, friendly people I have ever encountered. 

The only rule we were made aware of is that no coolers or backpacks were allowed.  You can have a single beverage with you, which means you must purchase drinks from local bars and restaurants.  This works well as it encourages you to walk around and see all of Amsterdam, stopping now and then to witness the floatillas on the canals, watch a live band, grab a meal, have a drink or use a restroom.

A good spot along the canal makes for the best people watching, but even that isn't enough to keep you in one place all day.  Once you go, you'll know.


I am from England and i think Holland is amazing i go to Holland every year to hattem plus they r amazing at football


1:22 Two man holding hands.

Gotta love that message.


Thats how one should represent his country. A very good video, fun and intensive


My boyfriend is Dutch & I can't wait to go to the Netherlands with him next year :] 


Yeah we were there around the time when this commercial came out.. And we actually found that one person who didnt speak English :) Really nice country and one of the best vacation....


That is why I love the Netherlands! It’s a beautiful country!


I agree with the focus of these advertisements about travel to The Netherlands and Amsterdam. We visited in May 2014. Amsterdam is a great place to go without having to decide in-advance what to do before one arrives.  There are too many attractions and activities to mention that can fulfill any taste or objective.  The Schiphol Airport is very convenient, pleasant, and efficient for travelers. The people of Amsterdam are universally helpful and inviting to visitors.  English probably is more prevalent than Dutch, at least in the city.  Public transportation is cost-effective and convenient. KLM provides great service from the US, even in coach. We stayed in a local place - Hotel Larende.  Look it up on Tripadvisor.  The entire experience was better than expected.


I was very impressed by this commercial. Good job Holland! I'm poor and probably won't be traveling any time soon, but I had to comment on this after seeing it. Great marketing.


The best country in the whole fucking world.
