Leave Your 9-5 and Start This Easy Business

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WHAT BROUGHT ME TO YOUTUBE: I worked at Goldman Sachs, in Private Equity, and built up a $100M holding company. But after being in Wall Street for so long, I got tired of managing hundreds of millions for the rich. Investing was for the few not the many. F that. You all are the reason I do this. We as a society need to get rich together. My mission is to create 100,000 business owners, I hope you’re one.


00:00 - From $12 to Millions
00:46 - How'd You Find This Idea?
3:33 - How Much Do You Make?
6:00 - How Much Does This Cost?
9:22 - What Makes You Successful?
11:20 - How Big Is This Company?
14:40 - Getting Clients
18:13 - Pro's and Con's


Check out my other favorite videos! 🔽


All content on the Codie Sanchez YouTube channel reflects my own opinions and should NOT be taken as legal advice, financial advice, or investment advice. Please seek out the guidance of professionally trained and licensed individuals before making any decisions. Some links in the description may be affiliate links.
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I dont understand how come none of them mention the book Girl Boss Hustle: Earn 10k From Home, they must be gatekeeping it


No one should worry about s corps or llc until your buisness turns profit or you need a legal entity for payment processor it's just a way of lowering personal liability and you can file the paperwork at through your state and state website save money.


A cool trick I learned from my Jeweler. Have the first interaction/employee (your newest employee hopefully the customer doesn't know) figure out your name, that gets passed on to management, their database produces... What you purchased and when, as well as who and what you talked about... They really add notes about what you talked about, kids, pets, sports, job, whatever. Then they come back and talk to you about your previous interactions "Like They Remember You." I understand what they are doing, but I absolutely love the effort. Really sells the repeat customer.


Thank you Codie, having been a Painter for nearly 12 years- this gives me new imputus...and thank you to all the vets in the comments🙏🤙


My three favorite channels: Codie Sanchez, Stock Brotha, & How Money Works. Make my week complete! 🔥 🔥 🔥


We own a drywall and painting business and this video is very accurate!


Some great numbers in here and tips for existing painting contractors! Love everything about this. We usually leave flyers in the mailbox of adjoining properties with our numbers to contact us if there is debris etc. This video has inspired me. Team is going to start door knocking tomorrow 😉 not as scary as one thinks. Let’s go!


That title is a little clickbait. I know lots of painters and that’s not an “easy” business to own. If you want to be successful you have to work your butt off.


Codie you are so versatile gifted in many areas nothing you can’t do 😂


Insurance Companies would be another R they have to rebuild and restore after leaks, disasters, mold remediations.


Thanks Codie, love your approach and info!.


Such an inspiring video... it's fascinating how paint can change a room...and make it look amazing...paint is a job that's always high in demand...


PLEASE realize while this "is possible", this is not the norm. My dad has been a painter for 40 years, most of which self employed and has always been dirt poor. Painting is a good side hustle but if your looking for a easy scalable business, this is not it.


I love your videos, but my least favorite aspect of them is that the majority of them seem to be focused on people skills. What is the advice to people like me who are paralyzed by door knocking and rubbing elbows? I'm not a social pariah, but I'm a super introvert and have approached maybe 5 people in 5 years for conversation. Do people like me just suck it up and fail despite our entrepreneurial spirit? Are we cast aside because we aren't good conversationalists and can't figure out how to relate to people? Or is there something that we can do despite these challenges? People like us will probably not change when it comes to the social aspects of things, so "just fix your social issues" isn't a solution. You wouldn't know unless you know.


Thank you Codie I want to do this to get a company vehicle. Eventually working my way out of it and employing others.


This video is true. When I was a kid I made about 300 a day. I never knew how to scale it or run a business so thought it would be better to be a teacher. But if I would have known about business I would be totally rich.


Evidently, he only does interiors. Exteriors are a much bigger PITA, especially if there is minor damage or sanding needed.


Omg Codi ty 😊 I like your style look and remind me of my sister


Insurance for $150-$200/month for a CREW?!! That doesn’t look right. My latest quote for a worker’s comp for painter rate is $0.30/$1 payroll. If you pay $20/hr in payroll for each painter, that’s $48/day/each employee! That’s either straight up lie or I’m getting ripped off so badly! I’ve been in this business since 2020 and I can assure you that the numbers in How Much Does This Cost part are not accurate at all.


You have tons of competition especially in big cities.
