how to get richer than everyone u know lol

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The true story of how I got so wealthy my hometown friends didn’t even believe me.

The 2 software that turns leads into appointments for your SMMA clients:

0:00 - Intro
3:14 - Step 1
5:20 - Step 2
7:53 - Step 3
9:43 - Step 4

#onlinebusiness #entrepreneurship #getrich #smma #mattshieldSMMA #imangadzhi #alexhormozi
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I'm an older dude and can smell BS a, 10 miles away. I can also discern it from authenticity. What Matt says is the raw truth, shut-up and move in silence then GIVE, GIVE, GIVE and watch what happens. Matt, proud of you, nice work! I'm about to glide into retirement in a couple of years and will be building a digital presence that produces cash-flow to preserve my savings. Matt, you're the guy I'll be following. I have ZERO pride and willing to learn from a young man who's DONE IT. God bless you brother 🙏


1. Stop Talking about your goals. They love to talk about your goals.
2. Replace in person friends with online friends.
3. Design Your Dream Life
4. Read Books


I’m 16 right now, got no motion in life. I have big goals, I’ve never told anyone. Just have to put actions into my thoughts. Thank you for this video!


You don't even know how i needed this right now G. Thank you from the bottom of my heart brother.


The first step is "shut up" this is a very powerful statement if you fully understand the depth of it. Well said....Great video... thank you!


This is what every ambitious young man needs to hear.✊️


Im 16 years old. Im full of dreams of becoming rich, traveling, finally have peace without doing the same shit everyday, a disgusting routine leading to nothing. I started dropshipping business, with 50$, i got my first sale without promoting myself, im so happy man. Im doing small steps at young age to get my dream life. I found your channel like a week ago and you opened my eyes alot, you make me finally believe in myself, in things i do, believe in my future dream peaceful life. Thank you Matt for what youre doing, youre like a big brother to me.


that first step low key a gem. it applies to dating as well. everytime i told friends or just put it out to the universe verbally to someone that i dig a girl it never came to fruition. its like satan or something hears it and makes sure things dont fall into place to see you suffer. Real Gs move in silence like lasagna


I’m so happy I clicked on this video. For a moment I thought, “I’ve seen stuff like this before, ” but I was wrong. I’m so glad you shared all of this with us in this format. Truly appreciate you.


Matt's strategy of 'working in silence' is a powerful reminder of the value of focusing on action over talk. This approach not only enhances personal productivity but also ensures that results speak louder than words. 🚀


Working in silence is a fantastic first step! I need to be more secretive about what I really want to do! These are all fantastic! Well done! 👍


Step 4 is the biggest secret of them all. Every step is valuable, but #4 is the secret sauce. Ive used it many times in my life to create the most amazing life experiences and millions of dollars in my businesses. really great stuff Matt, I'm very impressed by your wisdom and authenticity at such a young age! Keep it up brother!


This vid def hit the algo and rightfully so. The people have spoken this is what we need in 2024, more REAL GAME


Move and work in silence! I wrote down the quote at 10:39 on my bathroom mirror: "picture yourself vividly as d̶e̶f̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ winning, and that alone will make success i̶m̶p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ possible". I have several other things written on my mirror so this way I'll be reminded to do these things every time I'm in there. Excellent video! 🙏


Can you make a video on how "friends and family" started treating you differently after your success and all of a sudden you became their source of knowledge and started respecting every advice you gave? I really think this is a huge motivating factor that not alot of people cover in their success stories


Hey hope your good Also sometimes I share this, the Bible says that GOD loves us so much that he sent his son JESUS CHRIST to this earth and HE lived a perfect sinless life.And JESUS went to a cross and gave HIS life for us.And rose again in 3 days and who ever will receive JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR AND ASK HIM TO COME INTO THEIR HEART AND FORGIVE THEIR SINS, HE WILL TAKE YOU TO HEAVEN.


done 4 yrs research into the human mind and you basically summarised most of it in this video, we really are in a waking lucid dream and can have anything we want when applying the mind + action, there is truly no limits but your own self. the world is yours


Another good ass book is “break the habit of being yourself” this all spot on man


Lets Go Matt! Program or be programmed! You sharing your personal experience is so valuable broski, keep doing you and you'll keep changing lives. God bless


Extremely well spoken and off the cuff like that. Completely agree that reprogramming is essential
