Many thanks to Concept works for sharing this critical piece of understanding in very easier way to understand. It really helped to stay corrected
Hi, thanks a lot for all the sharing! I've gone through all of your videos regarding ADFS, Protocols, OAuth a couple of times. You ways of teaching is excellent and addresses most of my concerns and questions while studying. I've shared your videos to my friends and co-workers. Those the videos were made 4 years back but this is the still best that I've ever seen. Thanks again!
Is OpenID-Connect part of the sequence you described?
Thank you.
Wonderful way of explaining the authorization work flow.
Some applications like Salesforce for example will have different access levels for different users, How does this access control of the application work please?
Sorry if my question does not seem to make sense!!
Many thanks
Thanks. Can we call the SSO service from UI? Why we are calling from backend
Where exactly application access levels are defined like admin access or generic user access.
Hey how does the authorization or token endpoints "know" to respond with a auth code or token? Do they have to be registered with oauth?
Hi, I have recently started reading the content. I see these videos are more than 2 year old so does they still apply today ??