Beginner Beekeeping Ep 6 - Installing a Nuc in your hive

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A Nuc, short for Nucleus, is a small bee colony with a queen and a few thousand bees. A beekeeper can make a Nuc by splitting an existing hive in spring. When Starting your Flow Hive, purchasing a Nuc is a great way to get a quickly established brood nest.
In episode 6 of the beginner beekeeping series, Lousie and Flow Hive filmmaker Mirabai, install a Nuc into a Flow brood box.
Disclaimer: Beekeeping requires specialist skills, carries inherent dangers, and is often subject to regulation. It is your responsibility, prior to placing bees in your hive and on an ongoing basis, to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice in your area, and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for healthy, safe beekeeping. Instructional content we provide is intended as a general guide only and may not be applicable to your specific circumstances. If in doubt, seek assistance from your local authority, a professional beekeeping service or your nearest beekeeping association.
In episode 6 of the beginner beekeeping series, Lousie and Flow Hive filmmaker Mirabai, install a Nuc into a Flow brood box.
Disclaimer: Beekeeping requires specialist skills, carries inherent dangers, and is often subject to regulation. It is your responsibility, prior to placing bees in your hive and on an ongoing basis, to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice in your area, and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for healthy, safe beekeeping. Instructional content we provide is intended as a general guide only and may not be applicable to your specific circumstances. If in doubt, seek assistance from your local authority, a professional beekeeping service or your nearest beekeeping association.