The 5 Worst Cases of HOH-itis on Big Brother

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In Big Brother, there's no player more powerful than the HOH. But sometimes, the HOH lets the power get to their head, and they become a bit too tyrannical. This phenomenon is called HOH-itis, and it can be deadly. So today, we'll be looking at the 5 worst cases of HOH-itis on Big Brother.

I don't own the clips, all rights go to CBS or Viacom or whoever they belong too, just don't copyright me please.

#BB25 #ethanimale #BigBrother

00:00 What is HOH-itis?
01:06 No Week 1 HOHs
01:40 Devin - Week 2 of BB16
07:32 Sam - Week 4 of BB20
12:12 Bayleigh - Week 5 of BB20
17:35 Adria - Week 6 of BB5
22:42 Hisam - Week 2 of BB25
29:05 Ending
30:05 Hayden is lowkey an underrated funny houseguest
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I welcome all Devin Shepard related content, automatic 10/10 video


Angela went into this season hoping to make ethanimale make a sequel video to this😭😭


I was SO disappointed with Sam's weird HOH dictatorship she was my absolute favorite and top pick to win up until that point and I felt so betrayed lol


My biggest issue with Hisam is that he absolutely berrated Reilly for telling him that she saw him as a threat. He talked down to her and treated her like she committed some sort of cardinal sin. Then he gets HoH and what does he do? He stands in front of the whole house and does exactly what he belittled Reilly for doing privately. He's a massive hypocrite and I can't wait to see him gone.


I find it really funny how Sam was so adamant about not having her nominations be influenced, yet backed out of her last nomination the moment she was asked not to


I don’t understand the concept of still sucking up to the HOH after the veto meeting. They’re literally the least powerful person in the game after that point. I can understand voting with the house, not voting for the HOH.


"In any given week of Big Brother, the most powerful player is the HOH"

Ask Chima.


That veto meeting in bb16 was one of the best veto meetings I’ve seen. The roll the dice veto where Devin got picked and he lost and everyone cheering. omg loved that season.


@11:43 I love how quickly JC was able to convince Sam not to nominate him. 😂


I've never quite seen somone who caused such a 180 spin on their Big Brother audience reception quite like Sam did lol. I'm still not totally sure what was going on with her on the show, but she's the only one in recent seasons to make such a huge effort to dissapear from the face of the earth.


As someone who just finished watching bb5 thank you for mentioning Adria. My least favorite players are players who put god into their self righteousness


I genuinely think this is how Devin’s audition went (or if he was recruited, how they found him):

Devin: What would I do in the house? Well I think I would go solo. Can’t trust anyone, stab backs, make decisions that mean something. Social games don’t win, it’s all in numbers.”

Casting: C O N T E N T


Hisam’s is made so funny by him reflecting on Riley saying “I used my HOH in a way that didn’t rub people in the wrong way, and I’m very happy about that” (roughly quoted)


What's funny is that Adria was easily the most effective out of all of these players at executing her plans, but her plans were the most outrageous. Sam, Bailey, and Hisam actually picked decent targets, but handled their execution terribly. Adria planned out exactly what she wanted to do and took complete control of the week, but all it was ever going to do was put the target on her back for literally no reason.


Zach: There's no way I'm going home.
Pao: That's fine with me


I just wanted to say I really love that your videos usually always mix well with what’s going on in big brother either recently or right now. It’s really cool watching big brother and being like “is Ethan gonna make a video on that?”


I don’t know if this counts, but Aaryn’s Week 2 HOH in BB15 pretty much from the get go had some HOH-itis in its veins. She was cornering the entire house asking them to raise their hands if they voted out David. And then the whole week she was acting rude to other houseguests for being lied to, taking the game more personally than it had to be. She was dead set on Elissa and that also backfired.


You forgot Sam so unnecessarily SCREAMING at Tyler (one of her closest allies) to drop out of the HOH competition 😂😂

Bayleigh was WAYYYY worse than Sam though!!


Would love to see a video of the 5-10 worst HOH weeks of all time. Doesn’t matter when they were but people who just completely ruined or threw the game


DEVIN's HoH reign was the craziest and most chaotic. Dude was all over the place, totally oblivious, and seemed like he was on something from the very beginning. Bayleigh was really disappointing for me. She came in with a really strong understanding of how the game is to be played. She even spoke to her man about staying level-headed and in control of his emotions when he was HoH. Then he left, and it was as if she went downhill from there. Confessing to her enemy that she had that power and thinking she wouldn't tell anyone was idiotic. Bayleigh played herself to the point where it was maddening. As for Hisam, you would think by now, people would understand how to conduct themselves in the house, especially as HoH, but Hisam was oblivious. I was glad he got booted.