The TRUTH About Psychedelic Mystical Experiences

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If you're plugged into the psychedelic space at all, you've probably heard a lot about how psychedelics can induce mystical experiences.
There's a lot out there claim that they can cure depression and that they are THE way that psychedelics can help people heal and transform.
But do these ideas actually stand up to scientific scrutiny? What does the research actually tell us? Have the media narratives run away from actual findings?
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More info about me:
Manesh Girn is soon to finish his PhD in Neuroscience at McGill University and has been lead or co-author nearly two dozen scientific publications and book chapters on topics including psychedelics, meditation, daydreaming, and brain networks.
In October 2023, Manesh is joining pioneering psychedelic researcher Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris at the University California San Francisco as a postdoctoral psychedelic neuroscientist. He will be conducting brain imaging research on the mechanisms underlying psilocybin, among other projects.
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