2024-09-19: Insights on Bashar's predictions from Sedona

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In the latest Bashar's transmission in Sedona (September 2024) Bashar made certain predictions for which many weren't exactly ... ready. In this video, I would like to offer my perspective on how we could work with these predictions in a positive way.

The intention is not to tell anybody what to do but rather to explain the ideas as they make sense to me so each of you can make more empowered choices, if you so choose.
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Thank you all for your comments ❤Since the release of the video, I had more downloads from my higher self. I was told that people are too focused on the specific "male" and "female" as if they could cause the global war by themselves. They can't. There would need to be a lot of other people who would have to accept the war invitation. And again, most of us are not on that timeline.

I was also reminded to notice that the open contact is supposed to be "within 5 years" while the US presidents are elected for a period of 4 years. The energy reading shared by Bashar did not specify how far into the future the mentioned effects would happen. So the upcoming president could easily be just a stepping stone on that path. It is possible that Trump (assuming he is "the male") wouldn't initiate the war by himself. But he might either insensitively poke into areas which could be way too sensitive for someone else (he isn't exactly known to care for people's feelings) or there could be next president(s) after him who could do something stupid ... There are infinite possibilities. It is really challenging to put the predictions into the linear time-frame and make specific assumptions. So why worry...

Sometimes I like to take their suggestions as a test whether I am still easily controllable by opinions of other "authorities" or whether I can truly follow my inner compass and be responsible for where I steer my "ship in life" by myself. If it were me, I would vote for someone completely different than the major two candidates anyway because I like to create for myself my own timelines which are even better than the most probable ones for a mainstream 🙂 The splitting prism never ends, so there are infinite possibilities for us to choose from.

So my unsolicited advice for anyone is - just stay true to yourself, be kind, work on yourself, accept only those timeline invitations which resonate with the future you wish to experience and vote for whoever represents you the closest and who truly opens your heart when they start speaking ❤ What you put out is what you eventually get back. If love is what you plant and what you grow, more love is what you will harvest 🌱🌹

You are all such an amazing community of people 😊 I have a lot of trust in your ability to co-create a healthy future!


Thank you for this interpretation. At several points you quoted Bashar as saying the "annihilation" of the USA. But he says "termination". They have different meanings and it's interesting to observe how people hear or interpret things.


Exact words:
"This is what we are allowed to say...
"The female will lead to open contact.
The male will lead to termination of the United States and to World War III."

"Understand that what we have been allowed to do here today is highly unusual, and only indicative of the fact that you are closer to contact than you were before."

Different voice:
"Open your hearts. Open your eyes. Open your minds and you will know the path before you that is towards us."

"This has been a public service announcement. You will not know who that was until later. But we have introduced them already last night of your time."


Like Bashar says … the train tracks are separating and we can choose which parallel reality we want to live in.
Not a prediction but a description of the parallel timelines from which we get to pick.


Thank you for this. I needed to hear just this. It was so helpful. 🙏❤


🙏🏾🧙🏾‍♀️ I definitely felt the energy shift when I was at the event i was at you're right near the back I was wearing the mirror mask thank you for the video


I believe that if female wins this will cause even more of the collective to awaken. It’s also possible that our free will will be interfered with (again) against Universal Law and that the galactics are finally allowed to step in leading to first contact. However this plays out, choose your highest timeline, be in joy and gratitude. We are ascending and nothing can stop it. We are almost there 🙏🏻


The “fight, fight, fight” connection is really powerful and says it all 🤷‍♂️ I TRUST and know we are heading towards the “Multicultural Festival”. I feel it in my bones. I have my moments of fear and doubt, but I always find my way back to my center and to my knowing. Thank you for this beautiful video and explanation. 💖💚🙏💚💖 LOVE will ALWAYS win in the end.


Thank you for your insight and interpretation🙏


Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts ✨✨🌍✨✨🌍✨🏆


A big thank you for your shared wisdom!


Wow ! Thanks for clearly explaining what he has said !
Personally, what I care above all else is Peace and Contact with our Galactic Family !!
That path, imho, is the only path, way for a much better Humanity !!
Will watch these videos, as usual, once out for purchase.


Thankyou for sharing your excellent interpretation.


I wasn't at the event. I have however been absorbing Bashar's wisdom for 32 years.
Why would you need to care who the president is🤷‍♂️
Are you not empowered enough to move to a reality where this is not relevant to the quality and joy in your life.🙏💖


I have already made my decisions before hearing this. Moving forward on my timeline.


Fight fight fight was for our constitutional and civil rights and truth and transparency in government NOT WWIII
And the female has never even had a thought about ETs whereas the male most definitely has especially considering who his uncle is
So Bashar’s comments make no sense to me at the moment


I really enjoyed listening to you. Thank you. Will check out your other videos too. I also love listening to Bashar


It sounds like Bashar was simply amplifying our choice.


You ARE the collective consciousness, you ARE the galactic consciousness, you ARE All That Is. There is only ONE of us here. Therefore, check within yourself to see if any fear arises when you hear something like that from a source that you trust. It was YOU testing YOU. We passed with flying colors. ❤


Didn't he say the determination of the US and WW3? Meaning both will come to an end?


Gracias que misterio es entender estas cosas… pero muchas gracias a ti por compartir el video para los que no estuvimos en sedona❤
