Maybe you DON'T Need a Survival Food Pantry

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Instead of a huge pantry, we do this.
Some of us see amazing survival food pantry ideas and start to think we need incredible indoor food storage. Yet perhaps we're approaching this wrong. Perhaps there is a simpler method. If you can't afford an epic pantry, and have seen too many survival food hacks that just won't work for you, perhaps try our method of keeping food in the ground - and growing storable calories that keep through the year, wherever we have space to store them.
Storable crops include potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkins. You don't even need a root cellar for these! Sure, there's nothing wrong with survival canning or studying pantry hacks, but you might be able to store the bulk of your calories without doing anything particularly complicated. We're storing potatoes, storing sweet potatoes, and storing pumpkins right in the house, at room temperature, and eating them throughout the year. Meanwhile, in the garden, we eat in season. Though we do some canning, it is only a tiny fraction of the calories we eat. Here are some survival food storage hacks you might consider before you spend money on a new pantry!
Some of us see amazing survival food pantry ideas and start to think we need incredible indoor food storage. Yet perhaps we're approaching this wrong. Perhaps there is a simpler method. If you can't afford an epic pantry, and have seen too many survival food hacks that just won't work for you, perhaps try our method of keeping food in the ground - and growing storable calories that keep through the year, wherever we have space to store them.
Storable crops include potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkins. You don't even need a root cellar for these! Sure, there's nothing wrong with survival canning or studying pantry hacks, but you might be able to store the bulk of your calories without doing anything particularly complicated. We're storing potatoes, storing sweet potatoes, and storing pumpkins right in the house, at room temperature, and eating them throughout the year. Meanwhile, in the garden, we eat in season. Though we do some canning, it is only a tiny fraction of the calories we eat. Here are some survival food storage hacks you might consider before you spend money on a new pantry!