Fun fact: When it says “And in my hour of darkness, she’s standing right in front of me. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be, ” it’s a reference to a dream Paul McCartney had where his mother (who had been dead for approximately 10 years) appeared to him. He was in a lot pickle with drinking, and his mother said to him, “It’ll all be fine, *let it be.”*
Tbh I prefer this one than the remaked one cuz I feel this's more powerful than the newer one.
this is take 20C which was recorded in 1969
This is wasn't in 1968, it was just another take in Apple on thr 31st
Not the original and you can tell it by the sound of George guitar play which was much louder and better in the original version.
Very interesting cut. It's a preliminary version. It's work in progress.
A song about Paul's mom Mary who he lost at a early age
Let wisdom be the key to your future and what will what can and has always been
In the troublesome path of life and in the midst of happiness just Let It Be
Is IT remastered OR Not im looking for Not remastered😅
Not the original bro, George Harrison's solo was louder,
Are we all sure this is some original cut? I have recorded a number of songs recently, in all innocence. And now realise, after careful listening, that they are in fact copies/scams/frauds, call them what you will.
Very upsetting.
Why exactly did I learned about this song from Mr. Incredible?
Has been compromised and disguised offensive wording thrown in.
Why the fuck does the audio sound like the shitty speakers my school uses
Just to be clear…..on the line “and when the night is cloudy..”, a whole generation would have sucked in their breath.
This is not it. It is a fake. Find the real thing and revel in the beauty, and not be diverted by some prat who thinks kidology is actually funny or intelligent.