Mtg: Top 5 Decks to Start Ixalan Standard!

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Dev sits down to give you his picks for the best decks in the early weeks of Ixalan standard!

Strictly Better Mtg is a Magic: the Gathering Channel that does videos on everything Magic the Gathering. We do Mtg Deck Techs, Mtg set reviews, Mtg spoilers, mtg news, mtg speculation, mtg top 10 lists, and much, much more mtg related ish!

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I love how Julie just teleports into Dev's lap. She must have flash. ;)


"Fumigate is not the best sweeper but it is kind of the best sweeper" lol dude I love the way you talk.


The absolute best mtg channel on YouTube right now imo


As always, great content and t shirt game


Dev, are you going to sell merch ever? would buy a sbmtg tshirt and coasters all the way


I always get excited when I see you have put up a new video! Always gonna get a like from me bro.


You da man dev. Cant wait to see what youve been brewing. Ive been on mardu vehicles, even tho its not as good in the BIG meta, its great at my lgs. Im thinkin of losing the white and going straight BR. Nerd ape, Scrounger, Pia, Chandra, Glorybringer plus some HOks. Then, back em up with unlicensed and a few pushes. Gods will be a problem, but I can race pretty good.


Great summary Dev! Brad Nelson once said that "Hexproof" is an 'unfair' ability". Whilst he is my favourite pro...this did not go down well, I assure you. Tyrant + Heroic Intervention will go some way to dealing with Control freaks and their personality disorders. My biggest bugbear and I have been playing off and on since 3rd is that the Magic community equates Control with intelligence and and skill. Whilst this may be true at some level, it is anything but positive or creative. I am so happy with this new set! For the first time, in a very long time, Wizards might be learning how to balance shyte on a shovel.


This is pretty spot on, Dev. However id like to add esper vehicles to this list. I think that new one drop siren pirate could go a long way in crewing an aethersphere harvester, and as fodder for scrapheap scrounger, a trigger for fatal push, or even to protect heart of kiran from that nasty abrade. I also think that heart of kiran into Gideon of the trials is a solid play. While being in white gives access to great sideboard options. Not to mention the mana base will be there, which is great because access to blue mana in a spell pierce standard could be quite crucial in many matchups.


I’m playing an Esper control deck which is basiclly an evolution of my BW control deck that I’ve been playing forever it runs a playset of Gonti and two of each of the gearhulks in the relevant colours even using approach in the sideboard as an alternative win con


Nice summary of what’s likely to see play at FNM over the next several weeks.


I would like to see your interpretation of a black white oketra's monument deck with a hatebears theme. Tocatli Honor guard, kinjalli sunwing, mavren feyn. Essentially vampires...with less vampires and more hate. Kitesail freebooter. Gotta mention that one too.


I agree with your statement of dinosaurs being the number one tribe in ixalan but idk the pirates would be a runner up I think vampires are closer to that simply because they can put 8 power on the board on turn 3 and then put at least 2 more on board the very next turn if not answered


Handful of decks I would like to see vids on or have opinions about. UG or Sultai Pummeler. Jund Constrictor. Esper Control. Budget UG Merfolk as preparation for when Rivals drops in Jan. BW Vampires for the same reason.


Id love to see a video of black white pirets with spells that keep bringing them back from the grave yard like clame/fame to keep triggering enter the battle feild effects


Rampaging Ferocidon is the real deal and I wouldn't be surprised if it hit $15-$20 a copy. That thing is just SUCH a pain in the ass.


I'm shocked no-one is pointing out that vizier of many faces is the best answer for carnage tyrant. I agree with the list and as always keep up the good work Dev.


Have you played much against the Bant Itlimoc Improvise deck? Seen a lot of it, with Servo Generation, into the 7 mana Merfolk that draws a bunch of cards to get you to cast a really big balista with Itlimoc. Along with access to stupidly big Pull from tomorrows thanks to Itlimoc and Inspiring Statuary.


Was surprised pirates weren't there, but great video man!


Surprised to not hear any mention of metallic mimic. That card has been quietly rising in value. I'm sure it obviously has to do with all the tribal stuff goin on. That's also why I got my copies when it was low. Great video!
