Got a stock 97 se and it sounds and shreds just like that these maximas are underrated cars thetainttickler_
Got a stock 97 se and it sounds and shreds just like that these maximas are underrated cars
and the other dark red one is just chillen there haha, taking lessons haha shamild
and the other dark red one is just chillen there haha, taking lessons haha
Niko it's Roman, let's go bowling. kozak
Niko it's Roman, let's go bowling.
Subscribed just for name. Also nice Max, any mods?? BusyB
Subscribed just for name. Also nice Max, any mods??
I had a 1995 A32 5 speed, there is no way you can do that with an LSD. haha pikachupowers
I had a 1995 A32 5 speed, there is no way you can do that with an LSD. haha