The Prime Minister Of The Hellenic Republic (Greek: Pro̱thypourgós Ti̱s Elli̱nikí̱s Di̱mokratías)
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The Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic (Greek: , Pro̱thypourgós ti̱s Elli̱nikí̱s Di̱mokratías), colloquially referred to as the Prime Minister of Greece (Greek: Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας, Pro̱thypourgós ti̱s Elládas), is the head of government of the Hellenic Republic and the leader of the Greek cabinet. The incumbent prime minister is Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who took office on 8 July 2019. The prime minister's official seat (but not residence) is the Maximos Mansion in the centre of Athens. The office is described in the Constitution either as Prime Minister or President of the Government (Πρόεδρος της Κυβερνήσεως). This is the reason why the prime minister is also addressed as Mr. President.
Source: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia