The Best Mops | Equipment Review

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The best mops make it easy to keep floors (and hands) clean. Which option checks all the boxes?

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I bought this mop after reading the ATK review months back and it was shockingly effective. Like it's a very light mop but it worked perfectly and was easy to clean. One of the best $50 I ever spent


I love the spin mop. I have been keeping house for 40+ years and am picky about the cleanliness of the floors. I have tried probably every way of mopping and the spin mop is definitely the one I've stuck with. Hint to new house cleaners, if the mop water is still pretty dirty when you dump it then unfortunately you probably need to refill and keep going. When the floor is clean the water you dump should be pretty clear or almost clear. Also keep the mop head freshly laundered, there is no point of mopping with a dirty mop 😀


I live in Mexico and have tile floors everywhere. I have to mop quite a bit because of the street dust.
I have the stand alone mop, mine came with two mop heads and I love it. I can throw it right in the washer and dryer and I swear they both are still bright white when they come out and my floors are always looking much so that 2 of my friends asked about the floors and bought the same mop for their houses.


Hmmm. Really did not like the O-Cedar mop at all when I tried it. Nor any of the other SpinMop clones I've tried. They are annoying to use, you HAVE to use their special bucket, and they all broke before they were 2 years old. I'll have to give the Rubbermaid a try at some point, but for my money, the Libbman Wonder Mop is currently the best floor mop I have used. It's easy to use and wring out (even with arthritis in my hands), it cleans very well, extra/replacement heads are cheap, and the only time I had one break I was able to fix it with a few minutes and some two-part epoxy.


As a cleaning fanatic (and also a dog fanatic-- yes, I know, two polar ends of the spectrum) I had to watch to learn what mop I needed to buy next. It's a big deal to me!


I am a ditto with the folks commenting below on the O'Cedar mop bucket .. I love mine but I use a separate bucket for clean water and just use the wringer mechanism and bucket to catch the dirty water .. otherwise, you are just mopping and wringing with the dirty water after the first pass .. was a good concept but need to keep the fresh water/dirty residue water separate ..


Recently moved into a house with significantly more mop-able surfaces than I'm used to so I need to up my game from a Swiffer. I've seen cleaning asmr people use this one but glad to know it gets ATK's seal of approval too.


I bought that O'Cedar mop and stopped using it after the first use. That plastic triangle piece kept scraping the floor. The mop just seemed flimsy. Junk! I love the wringer style mops. They're not that hard to use. If I had the space to put one, I'd spring for the Rubbermaid commercial bucket/wringer and commercial mop. Nothing like them.


I found the O Cedar bucket in the alley after a move. Took it home but have yet to try it out, since Swiffer is my usual mop method.


O Cedar has another model that doesn't mix dirty with clean water....why did they choose this


I can always count on the test kitchen to inform❤


Bought that spin mop...waste of money. Hated it. It didn't have a place for clean water and the head on mine was really hard to get off. I realize they have a newer bucket now that has both, but it also took up a lot of room. Also the fibers held too much water and also stuff got stuck in them and didn't want to come out.


There’s a newer version of the winning mop that has separate compartments in the bucket for clean and dirty water. I will try it when my bucket breaks, but for now mine is fine. The new one is like $50. For a MOP.


Ive been wondering about the spin mop buckets on the market. I am a 9 year stroke survivor with only the use of one arm. I currently have a mop that i qring out that usnt too bad but i think the spun bucket system would dry the mop out better and would keep my laminate floors in better condition. I have laiminate throughout the house since i frequently use a wheelchair and I have 3 dogs. Thanks Lisa!


There you are always counting on your review and I will go buy one of these...thank youuu!!!


Oh, we own a different version of the winner! We love using it to clean up after the dogs track muddy paws in after rain storms


More ad than mop review, but at least you nailed it. O’Cedar system is top notch.


rell me about a mop that cleans deep grout lines on a ceramic tile floor.


I have the O Cedar and love it for my tile floors!


You have the potential to turn this channel into the best Tesla fit-it channel.
