'You Dont Pay Enough For DnD' - Hasbro & WotC

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Wizards of the Coast are trying to make some huge changes that effect not only DnD but other games and creators in a huge way. None of this is positive.

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Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:47 Why Now? Who Is Effected?
2:39 Dark Masters
4:55 Less Money For Content Creators
5:48 Rise of Subscription Models
7:58 The Future of TTRPGs

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A lot of these companies are just getting too big for their own good. At a certain point, the only way you're going to make "more" money is to cut corners and do increasingly scummy things.


Not only are table top gamers facing evil in the fantasy world, but now table top gamers are facing evil in real life HASBRO :-)


Yesterday I received a copy of a guide to subsidiaries: Pentex.

It’s alarming how much hasbro/wotc are similar to entities described in that book….
As for digital subs? Nah mate.
I’m done with magic. I stopped D&D years ago and nothing im hearing is making me want to. Don’t give them your money.


One of the many reasons we still play 3.5 :) Well, that, and the fact that 5E is a dumbed down version of the game. VERY dumbed down. Between our party members we have probably 5 copies of every book, so we will be good for years to come!


As far as I am concerned WoTC can kick rocks. I play pathfinder and Starfinder, and i have nearly all of the books so for my gaming group we don't care. We also play Call of Cthulu and other game systems so luckily all of this doesn't affect us much. I can empathize with content creators who use the OGL to get their creative stories out to the world. I have even backed a few kickstarters just for the content not the gaming system. In my opinion they are the ones who are really being screwed over.


It frustrates me when board members and share holders say things like its under monetized. And then instead of creating limited or original content, they just want to charge the ppl that have hyped the game for them. This is piss poor move by Hasbro and WOTC. And on the subscription topic, I personally dont see why they didnt make DnD beyond closer to roll20 or fantasy grounds from the beginning. Then a subscription fee wouldnt even be an issue for most ppl. They are making bad decisions all around for Magic and DnD.


They talk about being paid by individuals making $750, 000 off their IP... It's their property, if Gygax and gang did a good enough job, WotC wouldn't own it. Inane whining about something because idealism.
Go to your favorite license and make 750k of them. For example; Tolkien and even Betty Page's estate would bury you. Try making 70k from Star Trek or Disney. Some people make one frickin million dollars or more off a property the does *NOT* belong to them! I'll wait to see but not sympathizing over first world bandwagon


I'm fine with PDFs. I content to buy them, download them, and back them up. It's actually my preference just because of ease of transport. I refuse to get into subscriptions. One of the reasons I didn't get into 5e was that they refused to just allow me to buy and download a pdf. I am concerned about the future of my D20 games of choice (thank you paizo) and 3rd party publishers that gave me much joy. At least they can't take my other games from me. Even if this doesn't come to pass, if it is shown to be true, never forget they tried and never forgive them.


i'm in good shape with the games i play i have starfinder, currently buying pathfinder plus i own D&D 3.0, star wars d20, d20 modern, palladium books (from robotech to heroes unlimitied) plus i even own GURPS. i will never buy a new D&D game ever again. i'am glad i stopped at D&D 3.0.


Well this is disconcerting. I guess this might be a good time to check out other games. ...I wonder if they still own Gamma World?


This really could just…wipe the whole hobby in its entertainment form, couldn’t it?


Wizards' thinks I need them, that's a joke. I'll take my money to Pinnacle and run Savage Worlds from now on: let Wizards wither and die on the vine. That's what I think of them and their crappy, watered down joke of an rpg.


Capitalism. A market cap company at 50 million operate with customers in mind because they have to grow. An 8 to 9 billion market cap company still has to grow 3% every quarter but there is only so many human beings so they have to start getting more out of those already in house. I hate to tell you what Hasbro will have to do if they reached 20 billion market cap.
Anyway I left D&D as they flip to 4th edition because I saw what happens to all and every company that gets a certain size and frankly D&D isn't even the best game system for fantasy. It appeals to a certain type of person who needs and has power fantasies about themselves that they can't get with real role playing games. You can't min/max Runequest for example. The object of game is to kill and loot estates; that is how Paladins become better Paladins; well if that ain't crazy. At least with a game like Forbidden Lands you are billed as scoundrels and rogues and even then the mechanics aren't as sociopathic.


DnD is already having the same problms than magic, the last sourcebooks were terrible with a lot of less material, the game balance and edition consistensy was throw to the window and less i tlak aobut the changes they did in spelljammer the bestand the wors, e the books are putitng all the heavy work of worldbuilding and lore writing to the dms, 5e is ending in a low point to me and many others.
I'm so unsatisfied ( i was also too busy) to see the content changes to One dnd, but with the recents news i'm probably not upgrading to one dnd, maybe even finally trying pathfinder 2e
Like Maple sayed, this abusive cylce is nto exaclty new in gam industry, but i think the fanbase need to be more firm and moe judicious to block any abusive system, is sad that big companies when tart to make sucess became so greedy they start to sploting their clients and community so heavly


Now watch Wizbro go the way of the dinosaurs .. yet we will all still play some OSR type dnd that they have no power over :) idiots!


I hate to agree with Wizards of the Coasts but... Dungeons & Dragons is under-monetized.


Some particularly dedicated fan(s) should just make a legally distinct/in some way improved, version of these things and give it away for free, then accept tips or donations from anyone that feels so inclined to do so. Everyone switches to the "unofficial" version, and the result is no money goes to the big companies, which would get them to realize that players and fans are not to be messed around with, so they stop being so greedy.
Just an idea.


I’m concerned about the gradual shift to all books being digital and going to a sub fee model. We will own no books. They will update or remove as they wish. They could deny use to people eventually too.


Not gonna lie, this is the most idiotic idea that WotC and Hasbro have ever had. But hey, at least White Wolf will have a lot of new customers now.


I volunteer with a local non profit in their social group where we play D&D. I wrote a report to them detailing why it is time to jump ship with this new model coming out. It’s already impossible to get online content without paying a monthly subscription, on top of still having to buy the material again (we already have the physical books). There are way better games out there, that won’t keep chipping away at your money.
