7 Passive Aggressive Covert Behaviors of Toxic People

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When they say "you are oversensitive" they are actually gaslighting you. That is another layer of the abuse.


They justify their anger by blaming you for everything including their obnoxious attitudes.


I've been married to this for nearly 50 years. I'm over it! Thing is no one believes me now or ever have. It's time to have my own life on my terms


oh "the mood"... my mother would always throw the scariest tantrums (only behind closed doors of course, nobody from the outside world would ever believe me it was happening), yelling and throwing things at me FOR HOURS and later in a light-hearted manner she would say how it is very healthy to "get the anger out of your system". But I was not allowed to even make a sad face. If I stopped smiling at any point I would get scolded for spreading a bad mood. "You are so ungrateful, I am literally standing on my head for yoy and it's still not enough!" she'd yell. While all I ever dreamed of was to be left alone. I am so proud of myself that for the last year I don't let her do this to me anymore, it's probably one of my hardest and biggest accomplishments in life(though I feel I have to fight for it all the time)


The blame shifting to make us look as if we're the crazy ones they never take responsibility especially after instigating with us .


Thank God the Toxic Person in my workplace got fired! Such a better environment.


Oh yes, I've gotten the ignore/silent treatment, when I asked a question at the table to join conversation at a restaurant. I just ignored the in law and honestly continued eating my dinner happily. Then we went to a retail store and a stranger complimented my parenting skills in front of them and they must have been furious for the positive attention. Also, I've gotten the mean stare at the dinner table, because I started eating before them (they like to make others wait for them to start to eat). Then, they announced that they are going to sit, next to me, but I got up and left the house in a polite fashion! I try to avoid going out to restaurants or eating dinner at their house. Also, the subtle insults at the dinner table are annoying. I try to go no contact as much as possible to dodge their bullets.


Never considered the ignore before...definitely a very subtle and covert tactic, so subtle I never realised it was going on till now...no wonder I've spent my life as back up supply, they were probably thinking "god, he can't even be ignored right" haha


My ex was a different person to his co-workers/ family and friends. He told me his co workers were liars and cheaters. I found out he told them horrible lies about me. Before I left he begged me to move with him out of state (I later found out he was cheating with a co worker)

Whenever I went to family functions or first met friends/co workers I always seen the strange looks, I felt extremely uncomfortable, which makes people believe whatever it is they are saying about you since you seem so awkward. I didn't realize how much he messed with my mind. He would bring up restaurants or place and say "remember when we went there" I had never been to the place he was speaking about. Constantly keeping you wondering. So exhausting and evil.


I never really understood how toxic passive aggressive behavior is.
I wish I'd known this 30 years ago.


Yes my narcissistic ex-wife did all these 7 Passive-Aggressive Covert Behaviors to me and more. Thanks Michele for another great video.


Lots of gaslighting going on here too.
Could you do a video on:
- people who embarrass you by behaving badly themselves and seem to have no shame about their actions
- setting boundaries with toxic people at work (especially bosses, ) vs families
- what to do if you have to rely on a toxic person (you’re disabled, broke, their patient in a hospital etc.)
Thank you for the great information and best wishes on continued success!


Don’t give them a single crumb of your suffer if possible. The more you know about their toxic behavior the faster you can take yourself out of this toxic relationship. It’s not a life to be the target of someone else. I decided to call it a day years ago. The best decision of my life.


They stonewall you to position themselves as superior and in the control seat.


Michele you look a lot younger this year!!!! Amazing, beautiful, and courageous. Thank you 🤗


Yes! These traits can really wear you down and create serious triggers after a while. So painful to deal with.


I was in a relationship with a narc for 6 very long years. I started seeing that he was a textbook case while watching your vids, but also discovered that I grew up with a toxic, manipulative passive/aggressive grandmother.


It seems to me that every other person nowadays is toxic in one way or another. I have gotten so familiar with it, that it is becoming "normal" behavior and I just avoid most people.


This was my small family and ex. Moved away from them all! Much happier now. Didn't recognize healthy people existed when you grew up under a malignant narc. Set me up to accept this typical behavior. Wish I had this knowledge 40 years ago.


He wanted me to pay him for doing the laundry. He didnt work. He got ssi and army pension.
