Have You Seen This? #shorts

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Have you seen this? This was supposedly filmed in the afternoon over Montreal Canada. It was originally uploaded by Jean-Michel Tenac on YouTube on March 26th, 20220. The video was titled “UFO on the moon.”

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With all respect, this is nonsense. If people keep making crap like this then we will never know if anything is real


The actual crater being zoomed in on at the start is Cleomedes, 27.7N 56.0E. It's 125 km in diameter. In the close up its actually much harder to tell which bit of the moon we're actually looking at, so the crater the "objects" fly over could be that one, or possibly Hahn or Hubble, both a bit smaller at about 80 kms in diameter.

Since those objects are clearly meant to be quite close to the moon, certainly compared to how far the moon is from us, then I would estimate that we're looking at things that are supposed to be some 10-20 km long travelling at about 50km/s or more. For reference, the orbital velocity for a satellite around the moon is about 2 km/s at an altitude of 100km falling to 1km/s at about 3000 km. Escape velocity from the moon is about 2.4 km/s.

To achieve a circular path with a radius of about 1750 km and a tangential speed of 50km/s requires a central force of about 1, 400 N per kg of mass. If we assume a hollow cylinder of radius 1km then we can guesstimate a mass of about 300 million kg. So the total force exerted on the "object" - and on the moon - would be around 440 billion Newtons or roughly the equivalent of 12, 000 Saturn V launchers operating simultaneously.

So no, this would appear to be completely unphysical and therefore isn't real. Plus, objects that size moving that fast would be *_noticed_* and not just by one random amateur astronomer.


Believe nothing you see on a screen unless you can verify yourself.


Just ask NASA, They've been there done that 50 yrs ago, Drove around in a buggy, played golf too. They know everything about it.


We fight not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places


If this is not real, someone did an exceptionally good job of producing the shadows these objects cast on the surface. Not only is the angle of the shadows in respect to the sun correct, but the shadows are properly distorted as they move across the irregular surface. Good job...or this is real!


Isn't it ironic nobody is talking about the drones anymore 😅😮


We used to believe in magic and fairytales, and now we'd be sceptical being actually beamed up 😂


The source is untrue. Its by a person with a YouTube channel who does special effects. He also did one of an asteroid or ship hitting the moon. Not an amateur.


For the sake of those who do not know, the US have craft that can fly to the Moon (and do), so could be us or them. There is a reason Lockheed Martin has an arm called Skunkworks (think about it).


How is it nonsense? Calling something fake without proof is nonsense and ignorant.


Even if this clip is fake, we've seen these flying objects with our own eyes so they DO exist. The ones I saw above my yard were the same ones flying around the ISS.


Those objects would be the size of Arizona 🤔


How big are those ships? 50miles long?


Imagine seeing a shadow cast from a ufo on the surface of the moon with a telescope...


Aver que os parece mi razonamiento,
Si estamos en una simulación en la cual no podemos salir, porqué tenemos en este planeta bases en varios planetas y algo muy parecido a militares interestelares ? No será que la matriz que nos dicen, solo es una especie de cortina de humo, para que no nos superemos espiritualmente ?
A mi personalmente, aunque me gustan estos temas, me dan igual porque estoy aprendiendo a conocerme a mi mismo y una vez sepa quien soy, tendré todas las respuestas a todas mis preguntas.
Puede parecer muy rebuscado lo que digo pero hay muchisimo que desconocemos, también mucha información que destrozaron los que creen mandar en este trozo de planeta, pero la verdad ya la sabemos, solo tenemos que saber quienes somos y llegar a juntar, cuerpo, mente y alma.
Espero sirvan de algo estas palabras.


3 tic tacs, being swallowed by the man in the moon who is made of green cheese


So, considering the moon is the size of Australia... That's some big UFOs right there


the graininess of the objects is equal to the graininess of the moon, so I think it's real


My grandpa always told me, believe nothing, you hear and half of what you see.And in this day and age, I would only believe an eighth of what I see, especially on these channels
