Every Version Of Superman You Can Watch, Ranked ➊

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Superman is arguably the most recognizable superhero on the planet. There's iconic, there's legendary, and then there's Superman.
As such, there are many different variations of the character and dozens of formats the character has been utilized in. Be it dramatic TV interpretations of his youth, short animated series, or the multitude of versions in theaters, Superman always finds a way onto our screens, in one way or another.
We've decided to compile some of our favorites here. Do you like theSmallville more than Lois & Clark? Is Superman: The Animated Series your favorite cartoon or do you secretly love Krypto the Superdog? When it comes to the ultimate Supes actor, are you all about Christopher Reeve or are you worried about the loss of Henry Cavill?
Here's your chance to see where it all lines up. What are the greatest interpretations of Superman ever? Vote up your favorites!
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0:00 - Intro
0:00:08 - Krypto the Superdog
0:00:18 - Superboy
0:00:25 - Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show
0:00:34 - The Lego Movie
0:00:52 - Challenge of the Super Friends
0:01:20 - Superman III
0:01:30 - The Batman/Superman Hour
0:01:38 - The All-New Super Friends Hour
0:01:45 - The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians
0:01:53 - The World's Greatest Super Friends
0:02:01 - Superman Returns
0:02:08 - Stamp Day for Superman
0:02:15 - The Batman
0:02:36 - Superman and the Mole Men
0:02:43 - Superman: Red Son
0:02:50 - Superman (1948)
0:03:16 - Krypton
0:03:23 - The New Adventures of Superman
0:03:31 - Justice League: The New Frontier
0:03:39 - Justice League: War
0:03:46 - The Death of Superman
0:03:53 - Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam
0:04:02 - Batman: The Brave and the Bold
0:04:25 - Super Friends
0:04:32 - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
0:04:40 - Adventures of Superman
0:04:50 - Justice League: Doom
0:04:57 - Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
0:05:05 - Justice League
0:05:15 - Superman: Brainiac Attacks
0:05:23 - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
0:05:31 - Young Justice
0:05:49 - Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
0:05:57 - Superman Returns
0:06:04 - Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
0:06:35 - Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
0:07:06 - Batman Beyond
0:07:13 - Superman: Doomsday
0:07:20 - All-Star Superman
0:07:27 - Justice League
0:07:53 - The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest
0:08:02 - Man of Steel

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