I AM NOT INSANE ✖ animation meme

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Kyia's been strangely quiet, tucked away in a corner staring at a burnt feather, being gone for awhile Mowette goes to check up on her. Mowette know's it's no good staying in one location too long she speedily tells Kyia 'it's time to find a new location'. With a masked smile she gets up to follow Mowette, though not as chipper as usual, Kyia's emotions were still spinning inside of her.

Relocating was going seemingly well, with Mowette and Kyia simply talking about their plans, Kyia's voice seemed to crack though gone unnoticed... Eventually reality couldn't hold itself together whilst Kyia's whole body stopped. She stood still, her body shaking. One by one her tears flooded the stage, though Mowette's reaction was rather one of concern she went to comfort the levkin whilst she vented out her grievances. Out in the open... [c]

!!! edit: this is years in the past from the PRESENT times (this is back story)

[Timeline= Past= This is younger kyia and mowette, this takes place years before they meet Zeruk]


spooky,, happy Halloween sorta vibes boo


Aww yea I all ways wanted to do this meme, and I was thinking of idea's that introduced story elements I've not shown before. There's a lot of back story stuff being shown but I do have lots of things properly planned out!



[4-7 years ago]
Kyia with shorter hair the pink levkin female
Mowette with gold necklace and shorter the red dragon deer female


Original animation meme by - reverieprince

!! Don't heavily reference/copy what I did exactly please, credit me if u get inspired off what I did !!



prolly took 2 weeks ish.. wasnt counting properly heh
about 200 ish frames frame by frame and tweening!
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ok first things first lets just take a moment to look and admire how absolutely stunning this is?? I adore this meme and the blue and red aesthetics just scratches my brain SO good.... I love how the moon looks and shading and lighting is just!! super pretty! this is so well animated too aurgsgsg I just love how you can see the effort put into these ahhh

also im so tired rn so this might be a bit wonky but!! theory time :))

so, as we see in feels and clarity meme, kyia and tokol was really close, and was even blushing at one another. but in all the other videos, ones that take time in the present, their relationship... isn't as nice anymore. its safe to assume something happened between them that caused a gap in their relationship. so what I have so far is; kyia and tokol, back when they were much much younger were besties and might even be officially dating, and they had matching accessories, kyia's being a gold feather and tokol's gold accessories. but, in the present times, neither of them had it anymore, which could be symbolising their break up, as they did not have the same nice relationship they had in the past.
I have no idea how im going to touch on everything so im just going to round up the memes and amvs, , starting with clarity!

In clarity, we see present tokol and kyia (long-haired kyia and no gold accessories) having a conversation. For some reason they are not fighting and arguing as usual, and actually looks more sad than angry. But it was still no surprise that it would end with kyia getting upset and running away. Though she looks sad again as she saw a nostalgic view that reminded her of how her relationship with tokol used to be. We can see this with a transition of kyia becoming her younger self as the memories flood over her, and here we come to the first flashback. Past kyia and tokol being besties and hanging out, though in ended with present kyia yelling at the memory, looking really heartbroken. Coming too the meme part, we see that kyia still loves tokol, and is still very much grieving over whatever happened that broke them apart. At some point she also looks angry and enraged, this could be either her blaming tokol for what happened or angry at herself for grieving over tokol since she hated him now, or a mix of both! And it would really makes sense that she blamed him, as they are often seen fighting and arguing in present times, and she looks like she enjoyed hurting tokol on purpose. Though this meme (clarity) might be showing that she doesn't really hate him and is just hurt. I'll get to the next video now, , calm meme!

Not much to say about tokol and kyia here, we just see wander being upset that they're fighting again, but id just like to point out a small detail, near the beginning, (like 3 seconds in) we see kyia and tokol kind of glaring at each other, but for a second before the scene cuts to wander again, we see them both look away from each other in a way that shows neither of them is happy with how broken their relationship now, and tough this is no surprise for tokol as he's the victim, its a surprise to see kyia isn't really doing it for fun and that she looks almost bedgrudeful, further complementing the "she's just in pain" theory. And this one might be a bit of a stretch but. as wander ran away to cry and grief alone after he saw kyia and tokol arguing, we see a pink fire move past wander, and though he tried to reach for it, probably wanting it to come back, it still flew away without acknowledging him. This could be symbolising kyia and his feelings for her, showing that, if kyia and tokol were his parents or at least parental figures, it could mean that kyia is abandoning them and isn't a taking notes of the pain wander feels from her actions. And there was also blue whips that flew around wander, and he embraced this one, as it was seemingly giving him comfort. This could be tokol, and how he's always there for him to care for him. I might just be overthinking but. yk yk. and there comes the part at the end. we all know kyia is good and masking smiles, and the hug could be just another act to show wander that everything is fine when it is obv not, or it could genuinely be them trying to fix their relationship, though, knowing how kyia is now, I doubt it. It's really sad and unfair what wander has to go at such a young age tho. love this animal. the probs my fav character. this is so random and out of place uhm next video, , feels meme :]

Not much to say about this one, , just an extended version of the flashbacks in clarity meme, just them being in love and blushing and being sweet yada yada yada no sad miserable stuff in this one! sad to see what will become of them though.. okay here we get to vids like photo id, therefore I am, people I dont like, I see a dreamer etc etc

Present stuff, we see that kyia is a big bully and would make tokol's life miserable. in the fight meme, tokol discovered that his ex is now a criminal lol and is now probably at war with her since tokol like. beats up bad guys for a living as seen in phenomenon meme. but things get bad bc wander is a child and probably doesn't understand that kyia is a baddie and doesn't want his mom and dad (or just parental figures) to fight. kyia obv doesnt hesitate to take this to her advantage and would try to get wander onto her side by putting up a sweet and friendly demeanour around him so he doesnt think she's a bad person. Tokol knew this and would often try to get wander away from her, as seen in the I see a dreamer meme, but kyia still somehow manages to find him. In people I dont like, tokol was staring at something that could be the wanted paper that has kyia, and in the bg we see kyia taking wander away. this could mean that they are both desperately trying to get wander on their side, kyia knows that as long as she has wander tokol can't do anything to her, and tokol just wants wander to get away from kyia as he knows how dangerous she can be. So they actively fight over wander, and as he find out that they're not going to fix their relationship anytime soon despite his attempts to bring them together, he begins to feel trapped and obligated to pick a side. sad

also some stuff id like to say about the milk amv, if im remembering right there was a scene in the "past" section with kyia looking angry and having her back turned on tokol, while tokol looks kind of guiltily after her as she leaves. THIS could be the break up scene, something that happened between them that caused kyia to hate tokol and leave. also another scene, with wander sitting alone looking upset and lonely while the lyrics said "did you have a family?" this could be either wander grieving over his mom and dad fighting and divorcing OR, since this is in the "past" section it could be that he's NOT tokol and kyia's child and has another family who died/left or something, hence the lyrics and how lonely and alone he looks! he could just be adopted by tokol or something, a bit of a stretch, I know, but its just a theory!

also im so so tired and I feel like im about to conk out at any moment here so im just going to rush this next part through before I get to this video, , just little details id like to add! she also looks sad and heartbroken in the stay meme, which is another proof for the "she's just in pain" theory again! Also, tokol and zeruk used to be friends but tokol left him, we can see this in pork soda, moonlight and some of the older vids, and this could because of his association with kyia. since zeruk is friends with her, tokol got upset and him for that and left him, I could go into detail about but im way too tired of typing so maybe in another day lol, I have so much more I want to say with kyia and zeruk's relationship and stuff so maybe ill type more later if im feeling like it though most likely not, also speaking of moonlight, we can see that tokol is ALSO very much still grieving over the breakup!, , but lets just get into this video already :]

So, from the thumbnail we could see broken hearts, and this is a good detail and im going to get to why rn, this most likely happened recently after her and tokol's breakup as she still had short hair and the feather... which is now burned. why? here we get to theories, assuming neither she and mowette likes bullying people yet as they're still young and sweet lads, kyia might just be so heartbroken and enraged at the drama with tokol she burned the feather out of rage, or maybe something happened that caused the feather to get burned, and this might have something to do with the drama with tokol again, the one that caused their breakup. ill have to wait a bit more to start touching on this part more, but now we know kyia and mowette were friends, and might still be. this meme just shows the train of thoughts kyia was going through after the breakup with tokol, and how heartbroken she felt, shown through the broken hearts in the thumbnail and how depressed she was in this video. there's a chance she might still be grieving and never really moved on, which could explain her crooked actions. It's safe to assume they're both(kyia and tokol) still hurt from the break up. Mowette helped kyia gets through the her pain aww so sweet I sure hope they dont become murderers

also a rundown of what I think is the timeline so far, during feels meme is around the stuff in you and me meme and maybe anything meme happened? and then this happened around the same time as hero meme (or maybe hero is a bit more before), and a bit after that the courtesy call stuff happened, and then zeruk and all those "present" stuff yk yk, this is what I think the "past" stuff timeline is? okay anyways uhm

sorry for any typos i haven't slept in in ages and also im not a native speaker and my English sucks so! I hope you survived reading this and goodnight now snore mimimi snoreee


Your animations need more recognition it's just not fair 😭 They're so fluid and the mix of frame by frame and tweening/pmv just goes so well together


hiya!! this ones with younger kyia and mowette (abt 5-7 years before meeting zeruk), kyia has shorter hair and mowette wears that gold necklace :>
figured id give backstory w/ characters not seen too much like mowette aAA :D see the subtitles they tlkin to each other lalala
oo alsoooo, , ,
that animation has lots of effort put into it I figured I'd promote it again if u wanna see it!


Your style is so cool!!! And so fun!!!


Why is it so funny to watch animation memes with subtitles on




Holy Mac in cheese I am in love with the shading and the backgrounds are just amazing



It's nice to see what Kyia was like back then, I wonder what happened to her until she did what she did to Zeruk 🤔


This was a joy to watch to see how much thought and effort you put into the story and the emotional interaction between Kyia and Mowette. I love how expressive both characters were to each other as a form of bonding as a proof of their friendship. Great job it was fun watching.


This is AWSOME Zeruk! Love how you did the backstory! Anyways keep up the great work!


Aaaa I love this so much <3 the tweening is so smooth and I like how you switched from tweening to frame by frame, you somehow made it fit to the music very well bdlsbdk


oh WOW I love the tweening you did in this! it looks so cool :D I like how you animate tears and the backgrounds are so nice as always aa 💖💖💖


That moon is so beautiful! Well everything is beautiful, the lighting and shading is really nice. The character designs are always amazing and I can definitely see the amount of time an effort you put into to this. Its like you improve with each animation you make! I don’t usually like tweening, but it’s used here really well. Anyways keep up the good work :D


Wow this is awesome! I love the flow and movement of the characters. The backgrounds and the colors are very beautiful as well. Good job!💙💖


I absolutely adore your style, I love the kinda straight, blocky lines, missed with smooth curved lines


THISSS IS AMAZINGLY ADORABLE the colors really fit perfectly! I love your characters story! It’s so creativeee omg


Why r u SO GOOD?! The times u need to make these amazing videos are kinda short then others, and u r the god of animating ahh❤ ur always my best meme youtuber!!


now I can't stop thinking about this lore its so goooodd 😭😭
wait... are these things in Kyia's eyes broken hearts? PLEASE I NEED MORE ABOUT KYIA AND TOKOL :"))


I love the colors and the atmosphere! It's amazing ✨️👍


I swear- I love your smooth animations, story, AND EBIKK SHADING!!!
