'It's not over until it's over': Lafourche Parish man survives battle with COVID-19

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"I felt as though, for the first few days, I wasn't going to make it."
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So glad you recovered! It's hard to see my city going through this! We are a tough city because we go through alot of things together! May God heal New Orleans!! Stay Strong every one pray even harder!


Yes, I see he had my Dr. taking care of him!! She’s awesome!!!! Glad your doing better!


Thank God this gentlemen made it through!! Black men are being hit the worse with this virus and I really hope they study why this is happening, after we get pass this horrible pandemic. Honestly, I believe it is the fact that black men are also hit with HTN and often kidney disease from HTN and DM. In my 25 plus years experience as a nurse one constant was the African American male was diagnosed with HTN and DM more often than any other demographic. I believe this allowed the coronavirus to create the excessive inflammatory process that occurs and puts these gentlemen in ICU more often than any other. Also, black men often hold jobs that are essential to the food supply chain and other essential positions which put them in greater risk of getting the virus. Employers should make sure that they have PPE to preform their jobs since they have a higher risk of death from the virus.


Thinks he contracted it during Mardi Gras...not surprised. That is when city and state should have addressed this. If they would have taken action then instead of worrying about the financial impact of missing out on Mardi Gras revenue, we most likely would not be where we are in the curve (ahead of most of the country). In NOLA, it is always money over safety...look at Hard Rock, we still have bodies in that collapsed building, now over 7 months after it crashed down. Great leadership we have here...keep up the great work.
