Unlearn to Develop Instead of Shrink Others

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The other day I ran into friend and it saddened me. One of the first things she said was “I don’t know if my manager is here to develop me or to shrink me.”

Wow - how horrible! Here is a young executive who might not have all the wisdom yet, but she’s got insight and energy to bring to the table. Instead, her manager is not open, engaged and trying to gleam goodness out of her role. She is really trying to figure out how she can participate and contribute to the team. How can she develop as a young executive?

I really encourage all of you who are sitting in management and leadership positions to consider what you might need to UNLEARN in order for these to transfer down to your team. Consider skills which you are strong at.

Can you develop those within your team?

Can you develop others instead of being the almighty with all the knowledge, wisdom, judgment? Yes, you can do the task and quite well I'm sure, but that’s not the world of team.

Collaboration is the new competition. Consider how you can start to provide good learning opportunities for those coming into the company and are ready to contribute at a higher level.

Don’t shrink them. Try to develop them.