Holy Spirit is Your Lawyer

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Counsel: a lawyer engaged in the trial or management of a court case.

Lawyer: one whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients or to advise as to legal rights and obligations in other matters.

That’s who Holy Spirit is to you.
Your counsel.

Before you worry and subject yourself to defeat, ask Holy Spirit to advise you. Ask Him for legal advice on matters concerning you and ask Him to show you how the Kingdom has ruled similarly before.

There’s a such thing as legal precedent, which is when a case’s circumstances and legal requirements match those of a contemporary legal dispute.

So when you ask Holy Spirit for legal precedent, He’s going to take you to the Bible. Every story can be seen as a court case…if only you’d treat them as such.

My hope is that you’ll learn the principles of the Kingdom so that your way may be prosperous.

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