Why More Men Are Becoming Stay-at-Home Dads

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More men are staying at home to take care of their families, according to a 2018 Pew Research report. Historically, economic downturns have forced men out of the labor force and into stay-at-home roles. "Perhaps as many as two million men were stay-at-home dads, depending on how you measure it, during the height of the Great Recession," says Sociology Professor Scott Melzer. "And if we look today at the pandemic, we have another economic calamity."

However, changes in women's workforce participation and women's advancement in education have also left lasting impacts on gender roles. In 2020, women made up more than half of the U.S. workforce for the first time. "Young women are actually outpacing young men now in terms of college degrees and many graduate degrees," says Kim Parker, Director of Social Trends Research at Pew Research Center.

Five dads tell CNBC Make It why they felt called to take on one of the world's most challenging jobs.

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Why More Men Are Becoming Stay-at-Home Dads

I have a friend who did that. Great Recession. His lawyer job was cut. His wife was a teacher with benefits. Simultaneously, they had a child with special needs...so insurance became a premium. I applaud him. He still took some part time shifts at the grocery store to make ends meet.


I was a stay at home dad for 2 years and I loved it! When I die I know I raised my daughter at her most critical age. I say if you can do it


I don’t get why people are shaming these fathers who want to raise THEIR OWN kids? Are you stuck in the 1960s?? This is a positive change for families


this would all be resolved if we had true parental leave for both spouses


Work is identity for a lot of people in us culture so without it, ppl sometimes feel unfulfilled


The sexist comments are quite disturbing. There’s nothing that says being a stay at home dad is a free hand out - it’s a lot of work and demanding. Focus your attention on the “why” people have to stay at home to take care of children - lack of child care support for families. Child care costs a quarter or half your total income, and if you are barely making by, you have to make the decision on who should stay home to watch the kids. You really going to tell me you would rather have someone who makes lower income continue to work because he’s a male, even though the female has the better income? GTFOH. Sounds like people need better financial advisers.


My dad has never been a stay at home dad but my mom always told us he was so much more patient with us as babies and toddler than she was! ♥️


I'm a proud stay at home Dad since beginning of 2020.
I do everything from laundry, dish washing, grocery shopping, cleaning, taking family and kids out, panning trips, and OH Yea...also investor of crypto and becoming financially free this year 😊


My husband was a stay at home dad with our first born for 2 years. Wouldn’t have had it any other way. 😍


I have worked 40+ hours a week since I was 14. I'm 33 and me and my wife decided to swap roles with out 3 and 1.5 year old. It's the best move I ever made. No job has made me smile this much and I've never felt so satisfied.


I’ve already decided that if I end up losing my job this year due to the industry recession I am in. (Trade shows). I’m going 100% self employed and being a stay at home dad to my 2 girls. I can be a graphic designer from anywhere. I could also get another job in design pretty easily, but I know I would be taking a big pay cut which would put us squarely in the working just to pay for child care group. I’m not about taking a step back, I’d rather explore something new like working for myself while being there for my kids. My wife has a good corporate job with great benefits, we can manage as long as I can also bring in my income freelancing.


If it works for them, good. No judgement over here! Daycare is insane! If the wife makes more, I say go for it!!!


Good for them 👍🏾 Your family arrangement is individual, so if it works for their families, that’s what counts


Dunno about being a house husband but those dad groups look like a lot of fun for the both dads and the kids.


I don't have kids yet and I am changing careers, my fiance has told me he wants to work from home and be the full time child caregiver so I can keep working and build my new career when we do decide to have kids. It is already a huge relief in my mind that I can grow in my career instead of being stunted when I already will have a later start than most. The US really needs better laws for maternal and paternal leave, it will really reduce the stigma.


So the feelings and struggles of stay at home parents are basically the same regardless of gender! Interesting


There is absolutely no shame in being a stay at home parent. It’s very tough work mentally and physically and mums and dads should be made to feel proud that they chose to sacrifice alternatives to look after their children.


I love this ♥️ Father's deserve paid leave of absence when their baby is born. It's a great support for the mom and a chance for dad and baby to bond.


“Sense of being in prison”😭🤯 Thats so sad but true


I was lucky I was able to retire at 43 with a pension and be a stay at home dad...but I guess technically I'm still bringing in an income
