Mid-Year Reading Wrap Up (Best Occult Books, Most Disappointing, Weirdest, Most Surprising, ETC.)

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The video where I talk about Solomonic magic:

00:00 Intro
01:32 Occult, Witchcraft, & Witchy-Adjacent Books
14:11 Non-Occult Books (Fiction & Autobiography)
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I totally forgot to comment this on your ig posts when you visited Latin and South America! But if you would want a book recommendation of a less ‘weird’ version of The Tree that Grows from Hell, I recommend “The Ghost Dance” by Michael Stuart Ani :) hes and anthropologist and it’s written in I think a really cool way. He explains how he learned about this ritual through the experiences he had with spirits. So it’s kind of a mix of anthropological reporting, history, and a cozy but spooky story you could listen to or read on a train, plane, or long car ride :)


I love your book videos! I've gone back and watched almost all the ones you've done. So yes! Please keep making these. :)


Thanks for the book reviews. I'm reading and loving Mandi Em's Shadow Work (for hot messes). I'll be getting her other book, Feral Self-Care, at some point, but Kelly-Ann Maddox's two books are at the top of my wish list.


I'm with you - good books deserve to be savored. My goal was initially 50 for the year, but I had to narrow it down to 35. Thanks for your recommendations!


Loved your book recommendations! I felt the same way about Sweetgrass. My favorite Egyptian audiobook is The History of Ancient Egypt by Bob Brier. It's decades old, but 24.5 hours of lecture.


Please do a video on all the Egyptian books!! I've always loved Ancient Egypt, when I was younger I wanted to learn Hieroglyphics


Love this format, I have The Witch Compass but haven’t started it yet…guess I need to.. lol. Also obSEsSED with ancient Egypt and would love to see a whole video on this topic!!


Thank you! I tried reading Braiding Sweetgrass and was bored to death. I was expecting so much wisdom and information. I really don't understand the hype around it. Grimoires is excellent!!


Dude! May I call you dude? If you are ever looking for a fantasy author to dive into, Brandon Sanderson is absolutely incredible! The magic systems, the character development, the world building... *chef's kiss* Also, just seeing how his mind works in terms of the entire cosmere is wild.


Ivy please know I say this with all the love…I pause your videos at the most INOPPORTUNE TIMES and the faces I catch you making always crack me up 🤣🤣


You are a breath of fresh air with your wit and no non-sense personality. I love watching your videos, keep it up, btw you are my namesake and I steaight away gravitated to u.


Thank you for sharing your reads! Some great titles here. OMG Haunting Adeline!!! I didn't read it but all my friends did 😂 We love a smut book, but we like them well written!! 😉 Yay, following you on Goodreads! ❤ xx


Your honesty is so refreshing. You are like a ray of moonlight on a delicate spiders web.🌙🕸


I felt the same thing about braiding sweetgrass, i would listen to the audio book and instantly fall asleep.


Manti- I love you so much! You are my BFF- so is Olivia and Annie and Marshall - I am a Texas Witch- my sister lives in the PNW- I make my poor husband listen to all of you- Bless his heart- LMAO!! TX thang! Olivia is the one who started it all because my daughter is in the Air Force and was in Quam- but she let me feel like My daughter was there - fuckin love all of you!! I know I sound like a crazy fan, but all of you bring me so much peace. I am a witch from the time I was 4- follow all of you! Keep up the good work- y'all are all my favorite people


I'm a booktuber that just filmed my midyear reading wrap up so I was so intrigued to see you covering so many occult books in the same way! I wish more occult channels covered books as much as you do. I always add so many to my wishlist from you.


Loved this video. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I definitely added some books to my cart. 😂😂😂


I've made a deal with myself to stop getting so many tarot decks and buy more books. I love reading history, and love books period and want to start my own witchy library but it's costly and right now I'm not able to afford them. I would love to have the "lessor key of solomon" and "Goetia" but I really need to save for them and I want "psychic witch" so badly. I hope to start soon. Ty for video to inspire me to start quicker.


I just finished a history of Grimoires and am now attemptingggg to read Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy 😵‍💫 might put it off till winter 😅


Thanks for the book suggestions, always welcome. I loved Braiding Sweetgrass and resonated so much with it that I was brought to tears several times. I actually have to get another copy because my sister took it. I have seen several people say the Haunting Adeline was awful and think I should read it because who doesn’t need some trash to read sometimes 😂.
