Astonishing UFO Revelations of Avi Loeb: Bob Lazar & Multiple Universes!

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:27 On writing to sharpen one's thinking, and the purpose of Avi's writings
00:04:16 Don't let the repudiation by "experts" deter your ideas
00:11:49 Academia requires other people's evaluation and conformance
00:17:12 How do you allow outré ideas while retaining integrity?
00:18:21 Responding to the Pluto-like rock of Oumuamua theory of Desch and Jackson
00:25:37 Why is investigating aliens considered academically uncouth?
00:29:16 How the discovery of intelligent aliens would change society
00:30:27 How to find alien relics
00:31:53 Privatizing the search for aliens, and Elon Musk
00:34:03 The problems with inhabiting Mars are deeper than Musk thinks
00:35:41 Sean Carole's Many Worlds Interpretation
00:41:14 Are singularities "real"?
00:44:13 Bob Lazar
00:49:35 Cosmic Inflation is not falsifiable
01:00:26 Comparing velocities across different points on a manifold
01:05:56 Testing Wolfram's theory using the lower bound on masses
01:07:42 Eric Weinstein and innovation coming from the outside
01:12:34 Gödel's theorems and a Theory of Everything
01:15:02 Science learning from religion (and falsifying religion)
01:21:35 What is the meaning of life? The question Avi would ask an alien
01:24:29 Living forever. Heaven and hell as psychological phenomenon.
01:26:04 Consciousness, emergence, and free will
01:28:46 Wormholes
01:29:29 Why is the universe "fine tuned" for life?
01:30:37 Wisdom vs Intelligence
01:34:09 Which goal should you follow?
01:36:00 Steve Scully: Infinity of smallness and largeness
01:37:15 Can you interpret data without presuming a theory?
01:40:02 Barfyman: How has aging changed how Avi learns new math / physics?
01:42:25 Learning math when you're over 40
01:43:26 Artificial wisdom vs Artificial intelligence
01:44:11 Brian Keating: Does Avi Loeb dislike the criticism of his ideas, due to his fame?
01:49:47 How to balance work and life if you're extremely productive and work constantly?
01:51:09 Why does Avi do podcasts?
01:53:09 On abnegating social media
01:56:58 Rabbitskywalk3r: Claims of Haim Eshed (former Israeli director of space programs)
01:57:39 On UFO's and Prof. Kevin Knuth's analysis
01:59:36 Getting data on aliens visiting Earth
02:01:09 Amjad Hussain: Panpsychism, proto-consciousness, and aliens living with us

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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.

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I have been watching your Channel lately and have been enjoying your interviews about UFOS and aliens! Great stuff!!!


I think Bob Lazar said the technology and materials on the craft are not understood. This is also backed up in the Wilson memo, etc. There are people submitting patents on the design but they are not being built because it is technology beyond our current understanding. It is not being made because the propulsion is not understood. Avi is showing his own bias and not reading more of the Lazar story.


Bob Lazar said he only had the strict security access to the bottom two layers of the craft he worked on, to reverse engineer. This is probably why he did not develop that craft in the private sector, because, as he explained he developed only a limited understanding of how each upper level components of the craft worked. I’m sure a factor may have been the no. of people who used to get intimidated into silence by the secret service.

He seems essentially a shy humble kind of guy happy to run a small tech business relatively out of the lime light. Money and egoism don’t factor in his motivations it appears. Perhaps he saw deeper than we think into the future and knew we were not ready for these craft let loose in society in our skies and cosmos en masse yet, due to our war like nature, with both common individuals and soldiers apt to be trigger happy, when any non human might enter what we perceive as our territory.
Bob Lazar seems to be a deep thinker in wider societal issues beyond being just an intelligent tech guy with reverse engineering skills.


As brilliant as Avi is, he's making the same exact mistake that other scientists make about Avi..
He's willing to take the leap from A to B, in saying we should be specifically looking for technosignatures and dare to realize that actual real civilizations out there must exist, and therefor we should treat it as if it was real, and take serious investigation into the matter rather than just theoretical nonsense. And yet....

He judges Lazar and probably every other person that has come forward lately (Fravor, Greer's set of hundreds of witnesses, etc), as being implausible or unlikely..
Avi is himself unable to take the leap from B to C, to the point where one realizes IF life exists elsewhere (as leap B shows us must be the case), then it is entirely possible that beings from said civilizations has had more than enough time (millions of years) to have visited Earth, and continually visit Earth.

It is a really simple "if A then B, if B then C" logic chain.
If life exists on Earth, then animals can exist.
If animals exist, then technology can exist.
If technology can exist, then Earth can have a civilziation of spacefarers.

But Avi, as brilliant as he is, keeps making the same mistake his peers are making about him and his leap to "stage B", in refusing to accept, to even dare to contemplate, "stage C" as a logical consequence of "stage B"..
It's really kind of... I dont know how to put this.. Sad?
In a way its sad for me. This applies to when people like Neil Tyson and others ive had as idols all my life, STILL despite their wisdom and intelligence, completely face a mental roadblock when going beyond the most superficial stages of contemplating interstellar civilizations..

It's like, they are ALL totally fine with imagining civilizations alive right now "somewhere out there", in the far far distance, to be discovered in the far far future.
But they ALL completely fail to realize that, the universe itself isnt operating based on a human-centric time perspective.. The universe doesnt have a "spawn timer" that waits for our scientists to be ready for ET discovery.

If life CAN exist elsewhere, which it CAN with 99.999% certainty (because WE exist), then it has had more than enough time, hundreds of millions of years, to not only discover Earth, but to keep continous contact and visitation to Earth.
This is kindergarten levels of logical conclusions here, and yet the most brilliant minds of our science, utterly refuses to make that connection..

It's like they CANNOT accept that ET life can possibly be anywhere near Earth, or anywhere near our current timeline. It MUST always be "far away" or "far in the future"...
As if our development has to match their development, before the universe "spawns them in" for us to find.
It's an insane bias, that none of them, no matter their decades of high education, even realizes they have...

Or what? Tell me "chat", am i really stupid?
Am i the dumb one here? Am i so dumb in my logic that i'm the one being wrong?
Because i cannot fathom how i, a random nobody with no education to speak of, can realize things that the most intelligent minds of our time seems to not even notice about their own thought patterns...
If i can realize that, why cant they?


Thank you for asking him about Bob Lazar!
I would like to see more physicists asked about Bob Lazar!


Your channel has quickly became form favorite channel when it comes to all things that I find interesting. I LOVE that you ask everyone about Lazar because I’m always wondering what your guest think! You always ask all the questions we (the audience) is always wondering ourselves. Keep it up man, wonderful job on this channel!!


A bit harsh on Bob Lazar, but he got a point. Avi resembles Tesla to Lazar, well what happened to Tesla, one may ask? Willingly or unwillingly, Lazar is pushed to the fringe. In this case Avi is reflecting the same skepticism he meets in academia.


"It makes no scientific sense to me." Of course not, Avi. Because you are ten thousand years behind the times of the technology which created it. And in all fairness to Bob Lazar (and which Avi seems to have misunderstood), he, Bob, never said he or the team he worked with knew how to build an alien spacecraft; he said the very opposite, that despite all their investigations and tests they couldn't figure out how it worked and could only theorize about it.


The lack of open mindedness at 49:00 is sad, especially after talking about the lack of open mindedness in his colleagues. He wasn't even willing to consider that it's outside of our comprehension.


He's so quick to judge others (Lazar) the exact same thing he complains about. Doesn't even sound like he's aware of whole story. Otherwise I would jump on his band wagon. Just do you.. judge not


I really don't like some of his logic here, like when he's saying that if Lazar knows how a supposed spacecraft achieves flight, then he should just build a prototype, patent it, and make billions, like it's Star Trek First Contact where a dude just built the first warp drive out of spare parts in his backyard.
You could apply that logic to any of the huge scientific leaps we've made in the past century...
You've worked out the math and physics for the first space shuttle? Just build one, and make billions.
You've worked out the math and physics of how you think a nuclear bomb would work? Just build one, and make billions.
You've worked out the math and physics for how the first particle collider could work? Just build one, and make billions.
It completely ignores that each of those things were projects so massive they required institutional support from governments and absurd levels of funding and resources and massive teams of people all working together.

Like just because you have a theory that seems sound on paper doesn't mean that you would have all the resources to gather or produce source materials that would be needed for that project, the funding needed to complete it, or even that the government would be willing to grant you a patent on it rather than just immediately classifying it and telling you to get stuffed.

I'm not saying that I believe Lazar, but part of his theory immediately makes Avi's argument not work. The part where everything requires a stable isotope of element 115.
"Why don't you just build one and make billions?"
"Well because the fuel is a stable isotope that we haven't created yet of an element that was only synthesized for the first time a few years ago, so..."


I have so much respect for Avi, I mean he is a brilliant man and someone I look up to, but I can tell he didn’t really listen to Bob Lazar’s story. I think Joe Rogan did a great job interviewing Bob. Beside that, I loved this podcast, so much knowledge and ideas. Loved it!


People have been playing on Avi thinking the object was alien but his true message is don’t be closed minded to the possibility or we may miss it when something truly alien comes around our neighborhood


Assuming that Lazar could and could afford to build a ufo seems a cruel, impractical test to put in front of anyone (and i say that as a Lazar skeptic).


Lazar never said he could build it. It's not from earth is what he said. This guy claims to be a scientist?


“We should regard ourselves as students of nature” .Great to get to know what Avi Loeb really thinks and to receive a more rounded picture of the man. Also an interesting take on academia and how it may limit efficiency in producing new science. Penetrating and challenging interview.


I appreciate Avi's intelligence & respect what he's doing. Always have. I respect this interview because it's difficult.. he can use words that I don't understand & it seemed like whenever he lost me, you were on the same page & asked him to clarify.

You're a good host of TOE


What a wonderful interview. Curt you are so good at what you do. Love to watch you when you are deep thinking and formulating your questions, keep up the good work. You’re amazing.


no one making the connection between the way lazar described the flying behaviour of these craft, and the recent navy footage showing the exact same flight charecteristics


Only Bob and the people who were involved in his time at Los Alamos and S4 will know the truth. All we can do is listen to his argument and decide what we believe, and each person is allowed their viewpoint. One thing that each person should remember is that everything that you have been taught, has been from human beings who have only ever existed on planet Earth. This is an extremely narrow avenue to gather knowledge from, always remember this.
