How to get started with Zigbee in Sonoff / eWelink

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Sonoff is joining the Zigbee ecosystem and released Zigbee Bridge and also a few Zigbee sensors. This video is an introduction to how Zigbee works in Sonoff and how to get started. I will be covering the individual sensors and how to use them in a separate videos coming in the future.

Affiliated purchase link:

0:00 How Zigbee came along?
1:56 What is Zigbee Bridge?
2:52 Unboxing
3:51 Setting up the Zigbee Bridge
5:15 Pairing the ZB Basic
6:19 Pairing the motion sensor
7:26 Pairing the temperature sensor
8:18 Pairing the door sensor
9:00 Pairing the button
10:03 Managing your ZB devices
11:45 Closing comments
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I don't understand what is the point of the unit. Why not just use eWelink with the normal Sonoff items?


*I'm sure they work perfectly fine with any off the shelf (ex an echo plus or smartthings gateway) **** but they also works perfectly with a DIY setup using domoticz and zigbee2mqtt.Easy to wire, drop in replacement to a standard wifi model (picture attached to this review mid-wiring, 1 module done). Very low current drawn when output is off (about 0.25W power usage when off, killawatt measured)*


Perfectly detailed and easy to understand. Thank you.


Thank you for this how-to, now my temperature sensors are working! you made my day


Excellent video, professional and structured, cleared all my questions. Thanks!


Very good video. Very clear your explanation. I haven't used sonoff with zigbee. Very interesting. Thank you.


I've been adding non-Sonoff zigbee devices to the Zigbee bridge and am impressed by how quickly they are discovered and adopted. However, I am having difficulties having these devices show up in Alexa and Google Assistant. Any experience with solving this?


I quite like ZigBee as a protocol and it is good to see Sonoff releasing them. They are definitely not the best looking devices though. They do use standard ZigBee protocol and can pair with any hub, which is a good thing.


Zigbee motion sensor has serious issues of detecting movements after it has initially been paired. I bought a second motion sensor because I thought the first one was broken but the second still has the same issues. Didn't you have any issues?In your video if you look carefully no second move was detected after the initial update


I have a bridge but i did not connect any of my door sensors to it? I just used connect with Bluetooth in the ewe link app. When I try to connect it to the bridge the sensors can't be found, what am I doing wrong ?

I might add, the sensors don't work great, often with a few seconds lagg. Should I just delete them all and try to connect it to the bridge one by one ?


Thank you. Just the kind of video I was looking for. I have some quick questions. Will be nice if you can answer them.
Firstly, the older black RF bridge will connect ANY 433 MHz device with sonoff (ewelink) app where as the ZB bridge will only connect ZB devices? Am I right?
Secondly, If I do not have any ZB devices, then does it make sense to buy 433 MHz RF bridge instead and buy cheaper door sensors, PIR sensors, humidity sensors etc and use them with Ewelink app?
Can I use ZB bridge with ZB sensors and trigger activate my Sonoff smart switch which are not from ZB?
Thank once again.


I don't know what I seem to be doing wrong as all my attempts to add a door sensor to to my RF Bridge R2 has failed. I have a multi device Sonoff installation and have experience pairing with the WiFi devices. When trying to pair the bridge makes a beep and the left hand side LED flashes red Unusual as I aways had Sonoff devices with a green LED when pairing? In your video Your Bridge has a green LED and does not beep when trying to pair. Is there any significance to this? Also my layout generally is different My Zigbee bridge version is 3.5.2 and and my Ewelink app is version 5.8.0 . Your input would be appreciated. Thanks


Do you suggest this gateway or maybe is better a Tuya gateway hub?
I would like a gateway compatible with much brands of, no as that is "closed"


I have another question if I have 2 window sensors when I open one window and one stays closed whether the SOONOFF BASIC ZIGBI 3 lamp stays on or off


I'd be interested seeing non sonoff zigbee stuff working with the sonoff bridge.


Does Tuya zigbee 3.0 work with sonoff zigbee hub? Thanks


Howdy, did you know is there an easy way to get a siren to work with the new zigbee sonoff bridge I can't seem to find any information on any compatible sirens


Can any MAKE/BRAND of appliance which is Zigbee supported, work with any Zibee BRIDGE? (Aqara bridge, Sonoff bridge, Hue bridge)


Very good video! I have an issue where I can't find a place for finding a solution. The created scene's, like one click zigbee to turn on light, only work a few times or days. After that they won't respond, the app can switch and the zigbee switch click is registered...but the scene won't get triggered. What to do?


What if i lost the wifi connection can the sensors communicate with each other and still working specially door sensor
