I made my own diary of a wimpy kid

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Fregley : Hey greg!, Check my new diary!
The diary :


Rodrick gets the diary and Gregs life is over😭


This might be Fregly after he ate candy


When jeff see it Diary of a sussy kid jeff: goodbye wimpy kid 😊


This must be Mannys journal oh I mean diary 📔


Diary of a simpy kid is the real title for Greg


Bro wrote “Diary of a Sussy Kid” instead of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”💀💀💀💀💀




"Diary of a sussy kid” is a humorous and relatable coming-of-age novel written by Eyad Za Arab. The story is presented in the form of a diary, written by the main character, Greg Heffley, a middle school student. The diary chronicles Greg's experiences and challenges as he navigates through the ups and downs of middle school life.

Greg is an ordinary boy who often finds himself in awkward and embarrassing situations. He constantly tries to fit in and be popular, but his efforts usually backfire. Greg's best friend, Rowley Jefferson, is naive and innocent, which often leads to conflicts between the two friends. Greg's relationship with his older brother, Rodrick, is strained, as Rodrick enjoys tormenting Greg and getting him into trouble.

Throughout the book, Greg faces various challenges, such as dealing with bullies, trying to impress girls, and surviving the social hierarchy of middle school. He also struggles with his own insecurities and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. Despite his many misadventures, Greg remains resilient and maintains a sense of humor.

"Diary of a sussy kid” explores themes of friendship, identity, and the challenges of adolescence. It captures the awkwardness and humor of middle school life, making it relatable to young readers. The book is written in a simple and accessible style, with illustrations that add to the storytelling. Overall, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" is an entertaining and light-hearted read that resonates with its target audience.


Greg’s dad wrote this when Greg was done in the shower…


Jeff Kinney: i just want to talk to him
PS: its a family Guy Refrence


This will be diary of wimpy kid in 2014


Yep he is right RED WAS SUS ALL THE TIME!


The American Civil War was a conflict stretching from 1861-1865. It involved the Union (Northern states) and the Confederacy (Southern states), these two sides would go to war. The fighting primarily took place in the Southern states, as they were the states in rebellion, the cause of the fighting has many reasons and is still disputed today, however, it is usually chopped up to slavery and preserving the Union. The South had seceded from the Union and left to form their own country and the Union went to fight to stop the South. The war first started when Confederates fired cannons at Fort Sumter, a Union fort in the now rebelious state South Carolina. The Confederates won the battle and went on to fight in the next battles with the Union.

In 1861, the first major land battle of the Civil War was fought, the first battle of Bull Run, the fight was initially expected to be a Northern victory due to the Union having more supplies and men than the Confederacy, however, one general Thomas J. Jackson of the Confederate army arrived and stood firm as a stonewall and defeated the Union. The battle would be a Confederate victory.

The newly elected president, Abraham Lincoln, ordered his generals to capture Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy. He sent general of the army and of the army of the Potomac General George B. McClellan to do it. However, McClellan hesitated and gave time for experienced (now Confederate) general (and soon to be lead general) Robert E. Lee time to advance on his position, he would defeat the army of the Potomac and send them away from Richmond. The battle was a Confederate victory.

More battles happened after this point, many more infact; however, sadly for McClellan, he had been losing to many battles and had been hesitating too much, Lincoln fired him and replaced him with General Ambrose Burnside, the next huge and major battles was the battle of Antietam. In 1862, general Robert E. Lee and his fellow generals (including Thomas Jackson now called Stonewall Jackson) had decided that an invasion of the North would be needed to win the war as the Confederacy was running out of supplies quickly, they decided to push into Maryland and eventually ran into a huge Union force at the Dunker church at Antietam creek. General Robert E. Lee was stationed at a cornfield away from Dunker church where he and his army (the army of Northern Virginia) defended off wave after wave of Union soldiers in an area now known as Bloody Lane, however, Lee's army eventually retreated due to too many Union men, they gave Confederate General Beauregard enough time to set up his artillery against the Union. Away, Stonewall Jackson was advancing to Union on the other side of the church in the West Woods, he would push back the Union further into the battlefield from that point. On the Northern side, many generals were fighting decent battles against the rebels, some worse than others, eventually General Burnside's army of the Potomac arrived and attempted to cross what is today known as Burnside bridge, his army would be slaughtered as they walked into Confederate gunfire until other Union forces stopped them. Burnside's army had enough reinforcements to save the Union armies and forced the Confederates to retreat, Antietam is the bloodiest day in American history.

Around the same time, General Burnside had fought against the Confederates at Fredericksburg, Virginia, sadly for the Union, the battle would turn out to be one of their worst defeats with Union men being cut down constantly by Confederate gunfire.

Another General at this time reaching his peak was General Ulysses S. Grant, he had had a string of victories in the East and was trying to capture the Confederate controlled Mississippi river, he was doing this via sieging the Confederate town of Vicksburg.

In 1863, the war reached its peak, Abraham Lincoln delivered the "Emancipation Proclomation" declaring all slaves in Confederate states free, this decision was risky, however, as many deserted not wanting to fight for a slave, this act also let black men fight for the Union.During this time, Lee had had his greatest achievement ever in the entire war at the battle of Chancellorsville, he and his army of Northern Virginia went against the Union army of the Potomac now led by General Joseph Hooker. Despite the fact that the army of Northern Virginia had only about 60, 000 men compared to the huge army of the Potomac of about 110, 000 men, Lee had managed to humiliate the North and decimate the army of the Potomac at Chancellorsville, sending them running. By this point, Abraham Lincoln had realized that Hooker was not the General he was looking for so he fired him and replaced him with General Meade.

In the same time, the largest and most important battle of the Civil War, the battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania was soon to begin, if the South won, the Union surrenders losing too many battles and men, if the South lost, they run out of steam and perhaps lose the war, General Robert E. Lee pushed his men far into the North and had a vicious, 3 day long fight with the Union General Meade now in charge of the army of the Potomac. Lee and his generals and their armies along with his own would see horrid and long fighting all throughout the field. Lee had eventuall pushed Meade back behind a hill, both sides, Confederate and Union were across from eachother on the hill. With the Union army in retreat and hiding across from the hill and Lee's men ready to fight still, all he had to do was send them on top and from there shoot at the Union with them unabl to shoot at hik until they surrendered, D.C. (the Unions capital) captured, and the Confederacy wins the war, however, Lee being cocky decided to make the fatal blunder and let his men rest. During the night, Union forces went up the hill and took it, preventing the Confederacy from having the very war winner itself; the Confederacy attempted to climb the hill multiple tims but were pushed back by Meade's army. Lee, realizing the mistake he had made, ordered his many down and in huge final attack ordered his Generals and their armies to charge after a long volley battle, the leader of the Confederate charge was General George Pickett and the attack is now known as Pickett's Charge. The Union, now reinforced and to strong to fight, forced the Confederates in retreat, Lee had apologized to his men the entire way back to the South. The battle was a Union victory.

After this point, Abraham Lincoln delivered the "Gettysburg address" in whixh he gave a speech about the battle of Gettysburg and the Union soldiers who died for it.

Soon after this, the town of Vicksburg now sieged by Union General Grant had fallen and the Confederates surrendered, je had left to go fight Lee and had let his friend Union General William Sherman attack the South from the Mississippi river and moved East in a successful military event now known as "Sherman's March" and later "Sherman's March to the Sea" where he would move across the South burning the buildings, landscape, and even hurting and killing Southern civilians.

Union General Grant then met up against Lee at the battle of the Wilderness, where he would send wave after wave of Union forces into the opposite end of the woods into Lee's forces where they were slaughtered, he hd expected this to happen because this was his battle plan. However, he didnt realize the how devoted Lee's men actually were and the Union lost so many men that Grant was labeled a butcher and the death toll was so high he weeped. Eventually Lee did retreat, however, the death toll was incredibly high for the Union.

As 1864 had turned the war had turned aswell, the South, running out of everything had been pushed farther and farther back into their territory and General Lee had been worrying about the safety of Richmond. Sherman had completed alot of his march and was approaching Atlant fast and the army of the Potomac and Grant's armt were approaching Richmond fast. Some battles approached but the South had been losing far too much.

Eventually, 1865 had happend and Lee had one of his last major battles outside of Richmond against Grant once again, he had been killing most of the Union but had been getting pushed closer to Richmond with every wave by Grant, as Grant had realized that Lee had great plans and skills as a General but couldnt keep up with the amount of men the Union had. Eventually, despite the North's heavy casualties, Lee retreated and ordered people to evacuate Richmond, the Confederates burned the city so the Union couldnt have it.

Lee, now weak and broken, was forced into a small settlement at Appotomax courthouse, he had one final battle there with Grant before he surrendered to him, marking the end of the Civil War.

As Lee sadly left, Grant had ordered his men not to celebrate as he had respected Lee and his skills, he knew he had few, but still future battles to fight. Abraham Lincoln finally relaxed as the war had come to an end with a Union victory and the Confederacy slowing coming back to the Union, marking the end of the war.

5 days later, Lincoln would be assassinated by John Wilkes Boothe, a Confederate sympathizer, at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C.


I'm also making mine too

Diary of a Nerdy Kid


I’m checking this one out in the liebray


Ok fregley got her s hands on MY diray
