How Can We Have Free Will If God Is Sovereign?

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If God is sovereign and has a plan for all things (Ephesians 1:11), how can humans truly have free will?

You are not a robot. Your choices really do matter and have consequences.
But God is still sovereign and will bring about the ends that he has predestined to occur from the beginning.

As Acts 2:22-23 explains: “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.”

Killing Jesus was a sin and God never causes sin (James 1:13). So people freely chose to crucify him.

But who planned for the crucifixion to happen before humanity even began? God.

Therefore, God is so sovereign that he can bring about his will without violating the free will of humans.
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Its like a road map, you can vere left or right stop for a while but you will still make it to your destination, what shape your in is dependent on the road you chose


I hope this isn't inappropriate to ask. I was wondering is any of you could say prayers for me? It would mean a lot to me. I've been having a rough time for a while now. Thank you if you can help me.


HE knew that I would sin… I would sin, so HE put a remedy in place for my sin sickness, “in that WHILE I was yet a sinner, HE DIED!”
In that WHILE!!!! While I was sinning, HE DIED and was winning me back!
BEFORE I DID IT! (Roman 5:8)
“Oh the blood of JESUS…”🙌🏾


Could mankind have stopped the crucifixion?


Stop saying free! Only God is free! Human will is second to God’s sovereign plans! The bible doesn’t say free will but rather human will or desire.


Ok no Robots please dont allow yourself to become one by biologically warfare


If god is sovereign... well, if monkeys fly out of my butt...
