Fix a Swiffer Wetjet That Won't Spray

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Easy easys to fix a Swiffer Wetjet that won't spray
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Appreciate the tips! Unfortunately, none of those did it for me. However, I wanted to share what *did* work. For context, my mop wasn't even attempting to spray solution out of the front when I pushed the button so I assumed the issue was electrical and didn't have to do with the solution/tubing. The root cause was the little triangular metal contact points that connect the battery insert to the mop. They're in the gaps lowest on the plastic battery insert (shown in your video on the far left at about the 1:00 mark). Took some scissors and bent those a smidge further away from where the batteries are and voila--functioning mop. Seems like those metal pieces weren't contacting the mop housing to complete the battery circuit. Hope that helps someone else!


Thank you for the tips… I have the older model and it stopped releasing solution years ago (5+) and forgotten in the closet. My husband was trying to fix our steam mop and was unsuccessful so when I returned it in the closet I saw swiffer mop collecting dust and brought it out to try fix it. Saw ur blog, put on new batteries, I tweaked the metal contact for the batteries (Thanks YungWizard), and tried your suggestions and cleaned the nozzle, push the button longer and voila it works!! 👍 I’m proud of myself 😄 able to fix something that I would normally ask my husband to fix it. Doing a happy dance 🕺now 😁


Another tip. Remove the cardboard that divides the liquid material and the actual swiffer. I didn't know you had to take that little cardboard out. Doing this will allow the liquid to lock into place


My almost-new Wet Jet was not spraying after being idle in storage for 2-plus years. It still had the empty sample bottle of liquid cleaner in it. I was fuzzy about how to use it. I figured the batteries were probably no good after the time in storage after pressing the button a few times and nothing happened.

After some suggestions from my grown daughter about how I might improvise (as she had had the same experience herself), I just decided first to check YT for troubleshooting. SO GLAD I DID!! After reviewing all your tips, I checked my battery supply, but only had 3 out of the 4 AA's needed. Next I tried depressing the start button a longer time, doubting it would work. But it DID work!!! I was shortly able to quickly clean a very dirty little floor that had been getting on my nerves!

I'm going to tell my daughter the tips I learned here which told me everything I needed to know and saved the time and bother of "improvisation". Now I know my unit is actually OK to use!

Thank you for helping me to help myself!!! 😃


Thanks! Just got mine. I am in LOVE with this little bad boy.
Told my cats, "We're gonna be having some fun with this guys!"
Thanks again.


Inherited my Mother's swiffer wetjet and had no idea, there was a placement for batteries. Changed for new, and ZOOM!.... (I am off and cleaning!... Thank you so much!!!)...A new subscriber!.... TY!


A little trick instead of having to buy a new solution bottle every time you can place the bottle lid down into some really hot water and allow it to soak for awhile and it will release the cap. You can refill it with whatever solution you’d like and save money on the refills


You saved me! I tried new batteries before watching your video, but the motor wouldn't turn on. Then I tried holding down the button for a good while and she started working. Thank you!


I’m so glad I found this video!

My sister was about to throw away her swifer wet jet cause it had stopped spraying and I needed to downgrade from my O Cedar dual chamber mop bucket cause I now only have 2 very small hard surface areas to maintain. She has much more hard surface space so she would get the bucket and I’d get her defunct swifer.

I was willing to just pour out or spray some cleaning solution on my floors before each cleaning and use the swifer to just scrub.

Then I thought lemme see if YouTube has any videos on troubleshooting this problem. I’m so glad I did! After watching, I inspected the sprayer area and sure enough it was caked with build up and gunk. So I gave it a good cleaning and wouldn’t you know it, it works like new now!


Sir, u just saved me from buying another swifter. I literally was heading out the door to chuck this one n buy a new one. Then it hit me “check the school of YT first”😂. Didn’t know it even had batteries. Thank U So Much!!


This helped. The nozzle was clogged! Thank you so much for helping in extending the life of my much loved original Swiffer! ❤


Love your suggestions but after trying all, finally noticed that one of the metal contacts to the batteries was corroded and rusty. Cleaned as best I could with WD 40 and scraped it off and it worked! I have 2 more in the garage that don't work and going to try to get those running.


Another tip is to open the unit. To do this there is one screw on the top center right where the head pivots, remove it. Remove the fluid cartridge and look in for two silver screws and remove them they are smaller, so 3 in total. Pop off the top plastic piece where the gray push button release for the cartridge bottle is. More than likely when you look in you will find the little pump housing has cracked and came apart. Found this situation with mine. Simply used a little crazy glue to put it back together, reattached the top cover with the three screws and all worked like new again!


Woooow thank you so much the "hold for the spray to come out" worked!


perfect troubleshooting video! finally worked after cleaning the nozzles and holding the button!


I have an older swiffer wet jet model that quit working. I didn't have time to work on it, and went and bought a new one. Shortly after it would not spray. My wife would press the switch 50 to 60 times to get it to spray.( Very frustrating) . I tracked the problem to the switch. It has an engineering defect where the plastic cover on the switch shifts and misses the button underneath it. I removed the plastic cover on the switch. It just pops off. And now have access to the small button underneath. I threw away the plastic cover and push the small button. On my older model I noticed corrosion (white or green buildup similar to buildup on water faucets) on the spring where the batteries are inserted. I scraped off as much as I could with a pointed knife and it also started working. Hopefully this will help you.


I was in the kitchen fighting the mop, I looked at ur video. Thanx it worked.


Agree. Corrosion in the battery compartment was my issue. Soaked it in baking soda solution, risned it out, let it dry.


Another issue that we had was that the needle that punctures the container came out with the old container. My wife put a new container in and it would not spray. I had her get the old container from the garbage so I could see how it worked and low and behold there was a needle stuck in the top of the container. Took the needle and reinserted it back into the wet jet and it worked like a charm. With the container out you can release the catch inside the wet jet and press down on the white piece inside. I used a screwdriver to do this because there is another needle that penetrates the top of the bottle in there. Once pressed down I could see where the other needle needed to go and I used pliers to insert it. Make sure the point side is up where it can penetrate the top of the bottle when inserted. Maybe this will help someone .we were lucky to find the needle in the top of the old bottle.


I did everything you said and its a no go. Going to contact swifter. thank you! great video.
