Turkey vs France - Military Power Comparison 2020 | 3D

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Comparison (Turkey vs France)

Turkish and French armed forces comparison

Military comparison 3D showcasing Turkey and France in side-by-side format.

From how many active Soldiers they have, to the number of Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Planes, Helicopters, Warships, Submarines, Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear Weapons! We will aim to find out the most powerful Army, Navy, Air Force and the largest military in the world!

AFV -Armoured fighting vehicle-, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Armoured Personal Carriers, Artillery Carriers, Combat Jeeps, Rovers and Trucks.
Tanks includes Main Battle Tanks, Light Tanks etc
Planes include Fighter Jets, Transport Planes etc
Heavy Warships include Amphibious Assault & Landing Ships, Cruisers, corvette, Destroyers and Frigates.
Submarines include both nuclear and non-nuclear subs.

Рекомендации по теме

Military Power Comparison - Navy Fleet Strength List

Source: globalfirepower, armedforces, wiki,

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Juste one error : France aircraft carrier 1 and 3 helicopters carriers. And French submarines are nuclear with intercontinental missiles


Les chiffres de l'artillerie sont faux: Vous n'avez pas compté les 300 couleuvrines, 225 catapultes, les milliers de canons en bronze, les 2000 canons de 75 et autre trébuchets ^^
Soyons sérieux, un seul sous marin nucléaire d'attaque peut couler la "flotte" turque.
Comment comparer des blindés de la guerre froide avec des Leclerc ?
D'ailleurs le Pdt Turc ne s'y ai pas trompé, dès que la France a haussé le ton il a fait rentrer ses navires vite fait.
Une foule ne fait pas plus une armée qu'un tas de briques ne fait un mur. Sun tzu


The French M51 nuclear missile will solve the problem in 1 day ♥️🇫🇷


France has one of the most technologically advanced armies in the world, all its aircrafts and weapons systems are made internaly, its budget its triple of turkeys, its economy is 10 times of Turkey its army is more battle experienced, its tech is far superior. Haha sorry Turkey but france is not Armenia


Nuclear France : 300 - Turkey : 0
Also France has 60 ASMP missiles (only x20 Hiroshima bomb) called pre-strategic missile or "last warning before massive strike" with M51 ballistic missiles (x1000 Hiroshima bomb)
Exit all those mens, tanks, aircrafts or ships. In fact, in one hour France can delete Turkey of the world map.... So keep calm, think about it, and come down.


There are two important things unseen in this video, the drones and the missiles.
Turkey has become famous for their drones like the TB-2 and the Akinci.
France is stronger for missiles like the Meteor, the MdCN and the F-21 torpedoes.


France 400 nukes, Turkey 0, the match is over before it even began


France 4 nuclear subs, Turkey 0.France 300 nuclear missiles, Turkey 0.France can destroy turkey in 15 mns with its nuclear weapons.Verdict:France win without using its armies.tsunami1-turkey nil.


as a US Marine French military is much powerful than Turkish military. France Special Force is very strong


Ce genre de vidéo est pratique pour de la propagande car ce qui vont regarder cette vidéo vont croire que la France est moins forte que la Turquie mais la vidéo ne précise pas que les véhicules français sont plus modernes. Par exemple, les chars, 1200 des chars turques date des années 1950 et sont totalement inutiles contre les chars français. L’autre moitié des chars turques est également obsolète, et seulement 30 chars turques peuvent rivaliser avec les chars français. Au niveau des sous marin, les turques n’ont que des sous marin avec des moteurs thermiques alors que la France a des sous marin nucléaire, donc plus discret et en plus la moitié on l’arme atomique. Si demain la Turquie déclare la guerre à la France, la France sortira victorieuse, il n’y a aucun doute. Le marine, l’aviation et l’armée turques sont dans l’incapacité de passer la mer Méditerranée.


Love france 🇫🇷 respect turkey🇹🇷 from india 🇮🇳


Love france ppl and govt to act on Saving their country's pride..and hate Turkish govt nd some ppl who dont care for any religion other than their ..they ruin christian place, they try to hurt Armenia for their benefits..


The numbers play, no role here, Frances planes and ships are armed with 1000km + range missiles .
The Turk warships are 40 years old their fighter fleet is 35 years old


France has a defense budget of US$ 50.1 billion, which btw is the fifth largest defence budget in the world, AND NOT 41, 5 billion as you mention in the video.


I love turkey and france from south korea🇰🇷 ❤🇹🇷❤🇫🇷❤


250 million Indonesian Muslims along with Turkey 🇮🇩🇹🇷


What are you talking France is a nuclear power.


France is the 5th military in the world, Turkey is lower. End of the discussion


Turkey might have more tanks ... but does a bow and arrow from on top of a camel count as a tank?
