Men I Trust - Say Can You Hear (garage session)

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* Garage sessions FAQ: some back-vocals were added later in order to be able to get more reverb on the vocals without mic bleed (the garage roof is made of acoustically reflective metal sheets, so we played vv quietly). Harmonies are triggered via Emma's vocal pedal. Sometimes, harmonies were added later, in situations where the pedal wasn't able to correctly follow harmonic modulations.

Voice & Guitar: Emma
Guitar: Jessy
Keys: Dragos
Bass: Cedric Martel
Drums: Eric Maillet

Say, can you hear
Is there a meaning to your grief?
Where there is pain
You see grace
As if sacrifice
Was meaningful end in itself
Your trial and error is error and error

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been

Hoping for your turn
All the basement stories you heard
Waiting for the world
To bend around you

You’re self-absorbed
Raving about your cryptic ways
Aren’t willing to change
Old grudges

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been

Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you’re the scapegoat
You fix things that have never been broken

Waiting for the world
To bend around you

the guy on the keys radiates so much peace and happiness lol he's vibing


I love the moments where they look at each others like "damn dude we vibin"


I'm assuming her bandmates are the men she trusts?


When she sings "Dozens of doors you never tried to open" and those chords shimmer in the background, I get this really strong emotional reaction and think about how short life is. So nostalgic.


Love the 80's vibe, elegant simplicity and not very obvious melodies. Pretty cool.


I know this was posted in June but I feel like I saw this video at just the right moment. I got in an argument with my s.o. this morning over some pretty heavy shit relating to the state of the world, my own personal family situations and the general direction our lives are heading. But we spent some time alone with our thoughts, reflecting, I went to work, she did school, I came home from work and we talked it out like human beings, had a great meal, and now we're sitting watching Youtube videos together just vibing. Despite how absolutely insane everything is right now, I'm more than aware of how lucky we are and how precious our time here is.

I lost 2 friends to suicide earlier this year, my car got flooded and my dad is getting released from prison after spending 26 years there. But despite all of that, I get to spend every day with my absolute best friend and the lyrics "You try to fix things that have never been broken, waiting for the world to bend around you" really do hit different. **Sorry for getting hella personal on a youtube comment, I don't know if y'all even run your own channel or not but I just wanted to let you guys know that this music really does mean a lot to so many different weird souls out here.


“Staying at the end of a hallway, dozens of doors you never tried to open” has meaning to me in a way where I always feel like I’m stuck, I have chances to make my life better but I never take them, I just sit and wait for the world to move around me. It’s an awful way for me to be, I know but I just never have the motivation to ever make myself better, my demons get the best of me.


Sorry. I´m 55 and I was living in Middle East countries the last years of my career (meaning that I´ve lost a few things in the world). But today I discovered this FANTASTIC group and its music and I fell in love with subscriptor. Cheers from Spain.


Such a beautiful chorus!! It's the note on "hallway", "tried to open", "scapecoat" etc that gets me.. So beautiful


The bassist made the whole second verse sound so he introduces the second chorus is real genius with his picking !!!


I swear she sounds better live it’s so crisp and organic. Something more pure about it


Meaning (from my perspective):
for me the song is a work of art, it talks about people who are trapped in their pain, and they like it, they don't let go of it, and they don't let go because they don't want to, they like to play the victims, "oh no! poor me, my situation, me this, me the other, I can't do anything, no way" and they love that, they love playing the role of victim, that's why the first lines of the song say that:
Lyrics:"Is there a reason for your grief?
where there is pain,
you see grace,
as if sacrifice Was meaningful end in itself,
Your trial and error is error and error"
But then, what is playing the victim? Well, playing the victim is blaming your situation, everything is to blame except you, because you are the victim, therefore, you take power away from yourself, because if you are the victim, you have no power over your situation, you cannot change anything because you are the victim of whatever you blame, but that is something external to you, you blame your situation, other people, or speaking in general to the universe! oh no poor me, why did this happen to me? :(, why did I have this situation in life? and others are more fortunate, :( if only I had this, if only I had the other, if only this happened.
then as you continue in that role, you don't change anything! you are still in your comfort zone waiting for something to happen, to be able to change, for the perfect moment to come, because you are still not well, you are bad, your situation is bad, you can not do anything so you wait for something to happen! and that's what the other part of the song refers to:
Lyrics "Staying at the end of a hallway
Dozens of doors you never tried to open
Narrow vision, you're the scapegoat
You try to fix things that have never been broken"
Of course, that's why she sings all that, you keep waiting and you never open the doors to try something new! You live it blaming your situation, you have a narrow view and you don't see the whole picture, you are trapped in your vision of a victim and that limits you to not seeing more directions, other possibilities, the beautiful and infinite possibilities that exist. but no, you prefer to be the scapegoat, you carry everything bad, everything bad happens to you, oh, poor thing, someone help him! you spend trying to fix things that have never been broken! EXACT!!! that's my favorite part of the song, "You try to fix things that have never been broken"
because if it is true you want to solve yourself, you think that you are wrong, that there is something wrong with you, you are the victim after all, everything bad happens to you, you spend it waiting for the day when you are finally well,
you want to solve something in which there is nothing to solve.
AND THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT YOU ARE ALREADY WELL, you are already perfect, just the way you are! but you do not accept yourself and that is what you have to do, accept yourself as you are, forgive yourself and forgive others and let go, and realize that, right now you are fine! The present is the only thing that exists! There is neither the past nor the future! only present, then only accept your present, seriously that, how your life changes, when you stop wishing, something else, when you stop wishing to be in another place and really be grateful with your present is that you will finally feel good, because you're fine now but you don't want to see it,
you are like an energy looking for perfection, looking for something to give it, to finally feel perfect! that everything is fine, but the poor thing doesn't realize that she is already perfect and she doesn't need anything!

And that's all, I think the rest does not need to be explained, just relate what remains of the song with everything I have explained and you will realize that it is the same thing I am talking about.
and that is for me the meaning of the lyrics of the song :)
haha I hope that someone will serve my reflection and if someone feels in that situation that the song talks about, then that it and my explanation make them reflect and stop playing the victims and start doing things, Let go, forgive yourself, accept yourself, forgive others, let go of the past, stop worrying so much about the future and do what you have always wanted to do, dare yourself!
ps: sorry for my english, my native language is spanish, i'm still learning english


This music is so therapeutic, thank you all for making a band.


I love it when youtube recommendations actually work.


that reverse slide pentatonic lick on that bass line into the bridge is everything at 1:38 Good job Cedric #fuego


These guys have a beautiful aesthetic vibe to them and their music....I love you Men I Trust🥲
Im from Uganda btw 🇺🇬 ✌🏾&❤️


Who else is glad that this was randomly in their recommended?


Yup. Still just as good as the first day I heard it. Everything they do is just top tier excellence.


Man this bass player got the best job.... He kills on every track


They're music is so chill and feels so good .
