9 everyday ways to simplify your life

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My recent "no meal planning" videos:





So I’m assuming you don’t spend hours at a gym. The way you stepped up on that stool and then got back down w/o using your hands was impressive. Look how fit you are and you work your farm, your house and your family. You prioritize God and family and you are a stroooong woman in so many ways. I’m 64 and I hope young women are able to see the value in your lifestyle. You are a rock star


When it comes to busy schedules, there's a quote from Cortney Carver that I love. "Doing more things doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a tired person."


My mom always told me this: clutter in the house/car is an indication of what’s going on in someone’s mind. I have never forgotten that ever and that’s why a clutter free, simple house is a must for less anxiety in my life. ❤ thanks again for always inspiring.


I'm an 82 y/o lady who loves this channel. My life is very different, yet we share a lot. I find I'm subtly influenced by watching these fascinating and rather enchanting videos. They help me to re-frame my daily housekeeping habits. They make life easier, more relaxed. THANK YOU❣love from San Diego county (Encinitas) California.


We also do not do sports or any evening activities. We homeschool and we like to keep our evenings free for hospitality and to spend with Dad when he gets home from his job as a chaplain at the local state prison. He has a difficult, but important job and we don't want to be busy and stressed in the evenings running kids everywhere. I love not being busy. It's very counter cultural ;)


“Perfection can sometimes be a form of procrastination.” WOW, I need some time to process that!


My husband is the middle child. He grew up in a very strict home run mostly by his mother as his father worked shiftwork. His father was never around for him and as a result he has no relationship with him. He would actually hear about his successes in sports through his workmates. And I have to say it has been very hard on our relationship to the point where I think about divorce often. It really warms my heart to see you spend time with your middle son. It will go so far and be so meaningful later on in life. I know my husband is not alone and that a lot of middle children were raised like him but to see you intentionally breaking that generational chain is so amazing. I’m grateful to see it. Thank you Justin.


My garden mantra is ”whatever gets done is good enough”. I have to remind myself because I want to do a lot more, I do get quite a lot of vegetables but if I don’t remember my mantra the garden stresses me out. I love listening to you speak about homemaking, Lisa.


In addition to decluttering SO MUCH, even furniture, we moved our little kids' clothes to dresser on the main level. It was such a game changer! They can't dress themselves, are potty training and messy, and I was constantly running upstairs to get their clothes. It made no sense. Now I can put their laundry away and dress them so quickly.


Summer as a kid for me was great. I grew up in the country and I'd run around barefoot in shorts, outside, riding my bike, all of it. I didn't do sports. Took a few weeks total of swimming lessons when I was real young, but no nearby pool either. Totally unstructured time which was great for me. I loved that.


Busyness as a form of procrastination. (love the procrasta-cleaning phrase too ☺️) That is something I will remember and be thinking about!! Well said. ❤️❤️


Listen you spoke directly to me about being busy as a distraction from doing the things you actually need to do but do not want to do. Definitely for me I am the master of procrasticleaning to avoid paper work anything corporate related. You also spoke directly to me about not having to have everything perfect and doing everything all the time. I love your approach to family life and living, going with the flow, appreciating the now and stop aiming for perfection, there is no such thing. Busyness is not the same as productivity. This will definitely stick with me.


“When I have too much..I have nothing” ..boy Lisa, did this resonate with me👏👏..Love this video..Liz❤


I totally relate to that urge to google everytime a question pops in my head 🙈


Saying NO is a powerful step in maintaining sanity as a mom. It's hard but SO important to set boundaries. 😉


We got rid of cable in 2016. We watch wholesome movies like little house on the prairie. Nothing usually in the summer. Being retired and getting up there in age makes you prioritize 😂
Can’t garden anymore but support our local farmers. Still canning. Got rid of Instagram in January. God really spoke to me about that. You are doing good Lisa sharing because so many people have the wrong idea about what is important. God bless you and your family!


Really useful, thank you! Just what we needed here. We are a home-schooling family of nine (in a moderate 3 bedroom house) and we have been binge watching decluttering videos at the moment, but I love your philosophy, focusing on priorities, on children and time rather than just managing "things!"


Oh my! I can’t believe how big Victor has gotten! He’s such an adorable cherub with his blonde curls ❤️😊


Whenever I hear about online thrift shops my initial response is excitement, but then as I hear more it becomes apparent that we have different ideas about being "thrifty". I will not pay more than $10 for a single tank top, I just won't, much less so a used one. But i will say, ya killing it lady! Your outfits match your personality and you are beautiful.


Oh my gosh, Lisa, you are my hero(ine)!! I've already left FB & Instagram, and just stay on YT. But recently, I've found myself doing the SAME THING!! I happened to have seen something about a month ago that I wished instantly I could unsee. When I kept revisiting it in my mind, I thought, "Maybe that's not even a thing. Maybe that's just hearsay, or fiction, or myth & legend. Just because people believe unicorns are real, doesn't make them real." So in my way, I'm doing the same- waiting a little while to let the icky wash out of my brain, and I do end up forgetting. Little by little, my world becomes smaller, and that gives me my power back. Love ya girl!!! Big hugs!
