Polyend Play 1.0.1 Bugfix Firmware Update

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#polyendplay #playgroovebox #madeinpolyend
To all the beatmakers, music producers, and bedroom musicians.
We are proud to announce that Polyend Play has just received its first firmware update!

You can download it and check the detailed changelog at:

With this one, we focused on the so-called childhood issues. And so this is a bugfix type update. It is fixing most of the little annoyances reported by its users (thank you for your help everyone!). Maybe you noticed them too, or maybe not. They’re gone, and you can now entirely focus on composing, performing,
and having fun!

If you’re wondering about a larger feature update. We're on it and it’s coming soon. Stay tuned!

Audio/Video by @alfabutane
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Just voicing my praise not only for the Tracker and the Play but for Polyend’s customer service. I recently emailed them about two minor issues I was having and they responded within 24 hours, immediately solving one Play issue and out of an abundance of caution, completely replacing the Tracker unit with a free decksaver for my trouble. The issue didn’t warrant such a move and I was happy to keep it but the rep said something that you never hear…”I want to make sure there’s no chance of this getting in the way of your work again…”. He sent me the Tracker that day and provided me with prepaid label to ship the other back. In a day and age where the “human” part of a transaction is always forgotten about, these guys have consistently treated me with friendly, patient guidance. Please don’t ever change Polyend. Thanks for the great tools and the good vibes.


Polyend, Thank you for all your work on the firmware and new features that are coming.


Thanks! An idea:

If you want to make a track longer, from 16 to 64 step you use Shift and press the ”forth green pad” on the right side as a shortcut. Perhaps you could make a track shorter by pressing Shift and double tap for example the ”first green pad” on the right side to go from 64 step to 16 step again?


one of best seq algorithm and logic now


I can’t wait for the feature update! I’m dying for a midi performance mode. Would also love for it to be possible to record movements while in performance mode. Scene saving would be amazing so I don’t have to take photos of what is activated. Also I’d really LOVE to be able to assign probability to note changes or transposition. In fact it would be quite a thing to be able to assign probability to more than just a few options. Maybe using a key combo to assign probability to any parameter change might be possible? That would be amazing. Thanks Polyend


I hope it also fixes midi pitch and mod issues because currently somehow play doesn't record my keystep 37 pitch and mod changes on record mode.


I did not catch the first wave of release, sadly have to wail till november, these future updates sound promising! 💫


Amazing news! Personally I am very happy that bugs and issues were the priority before features. With that said, looking forwards to watching the Play grow with firmware updates.


Yeah, can't wait next features 🥰


There are very few companies that listen to and interact with their customers. Polyend is one. Thank you for allowing us to have fun and just play. Excited to see what the future holds. Cheers and stay safe.


i assume someone has already suggested this but i'll throw it out here anyway

can you add a setting to make the effects in performance mode not latch?
