Complete Search - Problem Solving Paradigms

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Video Outline:
00:01:10 Overview & Motivation
00:09:20 Worst AC Algorithm complexity
00:10:30 Iterative Complete Search
00:10:37 Two Nested Loops: UVa 725 - Division
00:16:42 Bitmasks
00:25:48 Many Nested Loops: UVa 441 - Lotto
00:33:39 Permutations: UVa 11742 - Social Constraints
00:37:17 Permutations
00:45:11 Subsets: UVa 12455 - Bars
00:49:53 Recursive Complete Search
00:50:01 Simple Backtracking: UVa 750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem
00:57:58 So What is Backtracking?
01:06:20 More Challenging Bactrackin: UVa 11195 - Another n-Queen Problem
01:11:37 link to Recursivity Visualization
01:12:01 Tips

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This video is a lesson part of the public youtube playlist :

You find more info in the description of the playlist.
Рекомендации по теме

Voice is low mam som what helpfulled for tommorows exam
