Maze runner pov:??

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pov: you were Newts sister and are dating Minho, the keeper of the runners, you met while training to be a runner and we’re outstanding. You quickly became a runner and you two ran the maze together everyday. You started to catch feelings for Minho and he did too but you two didn’t know how each other felt until one day at bonfire there was a dare for you two to kiss. After that you two were inseparable and soon confessed your feeling. After expressing yourselves you began to date and everything was perfect, you were getting closer to finding a way out and your relationship was great. Until one day when you were running the maze you heard a grieved and you and Minho ran but you fell behind. You saw Minho and knew you both wouldn’t make it,
Y/n: I’m sorry Minho
Minho: Y/n come on! Wait what do you mean?!
you loved him too much and pushed him out of the maze, you couldn’t live without him. Just then the doors closed and you were trapped inside the maze…

Pt. 2 at 10 likes


Okay part 2 is here!

Right before the door closes Minho gets out before being squashed, he looks back expecting to see you, huffing and puffing air while having a smile on you face like there usually is. Instead he sees nothing just a wall, he goes into shock not believing you’re in the maze. He bangs on the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks.

You hear him screaming and it breaks your heart into a million pieces, you softly touch the door, tears now coming onto your cheeks. You whisper something not knowing if he’ll be able to hear you through the door.
Y/n: Minho… please stop screaming I love you and I’m sorry…

Minho hears you and stops yelling he touches the door as-well and whispers back to you
Minho: I love you y/n, try to be safe…

At that moment you run out further into the maze, you know a griever will be at the doors any second and you don’t want to take your chances

[meanwhile in the glade (Minhos POV)]
I cry next to the door, the love of my life sacrificed herself for me and I couldn’t say goodbye, I heard her feet running away before I could. I sit down at the opening crying, I don’t even know how I’ll tell Newt but I should try.
Newt: hey how was the run, wait where’s y/n

I just sit there staring at him, tears in my eyes. I think he got the message because he soon sat down too and started to cry. We soon got up and walked over to the bonfire to clear our minds, tonight would probably be the night we cross her name off the wall

[back to your pov]
Your running as fast as possible, a griever on your trails, you quickly turn a corner and hide under some ivy. The griever doesn’t see you and continues it’s path through the maze. You decide to sit there and wait for the morning to come.
While sitting there you begin to have a panic attack, wondering what will happen to you. Minho isn’t there to help you calm down and neither is Newt. You turn to your third option, singing. You loved to sing everyday, the voice carried out in the glade and sometimes you had performances at the bonfires. You think of all of your memories as you pour your heart out in your song.
Y/n/ I saw a piece of heaven.. waiting impatient for me and iii… and I was running far away would adjust the world someday…

[Gladers pov]
The gladers hear your song carry out through the glade, although it was sad not having you there it gave them reassurance that you were alive, it brought tears to their eyes and some had to walk away, such as Minho and newt, due to the sadness it brought them.

[back to your pov]
You finish your song, tears stinging your eyes and start a new one.
Y/n: if I die young burry me in roses, place me in silk and send me away to a new so-

Just then you get cut off by a griever, it drags you away to the griever hole as you kick and scream.

[Newts and Minhos pov]
We hear y/n sing and it brings tears to our eyes we go to sit in her hut, uncertain that she’ll make it out alive. She ends her song and starts a new one, her singing brings back good memories and tears to our eyes.
Just then her song gets cut short with an air piercing shriek from y/n
Minho:y/n?! Y/N!!!

Pt.3 at 20 likes
Comment me to be reminded for part 3

Part 3 is here!

[Minhos pov]
I was taken aback by newts outburst, I thought if anyone understood it would be him, he was her extremely overprotective brother but I guess he’s hands long it in a different way…
Minho: Newt listen I’m sorry I just… care about her so much…

I couldn’t stay there I couldn’t think she was dead u had to hope, it was the only thing keeping me alive right now, hope that she was alive

[y/ns pov]
You were dragged along screaming and licking the griever but he wouldn’t budge, surprisingly he didn’t kill you already or even sting you
Y/n: let me go! SOMEONE HELP!!! MINHO, NEWT!

Tears filled your eyes you knew they couldn’t, now you just had to accept it, you went limp and closed your eyes, allowing the griever to drag you wherever it was taking you
Y/n: I-I love you all…

You said feeling defeated… but just then you opened up your eyes and saw a part of the maze you’ve never seen, the griever dragged you to this place and just left. You stood up and looked around…
Y/n: oh my god…

You said with excitement.
Y/n: oh my god it’s the exit! Wait it needs a code… WHATEVER I FOUND THE EXIT, WELL THE GRIEVER SHOWED ME BUT STILL! wait, where’s the door to get out to go back into the maze?! No no no no no!

You were trapped, the griever wouldn’t hurt you but you still couldn’t get out, couldn’t tell the people you loved you were okay… you heard newts yelling and tears stung your eyes, your voice was weak from screaming and you gave up laying on the floor and going to sleep, this would be solved soon… you knew that new greenie that you saw standing at the maze entrance earlier was their way out, and then you would be reunited… very soon…

[Greenies pov]
Greenie: Hey I remember my name! Thomas! My name is Thomas!

Everyone but Minho and newt cheered for me the sadness overwhelmed them and they didn’t talk at all. Minho walked up to me then…
Minho: hey greeni- Thomas whatever your name is, tomorrow your a runner… WE WILL FIND A WAY OUT… for y/n…
Thomas/ greenie: who’s y/n? Is that the girl that pushed you out when the maze was closing?
Minho:yeah she was newts sister and umm… my girlfriend…
Greenie/ thomas: hey you can’t tell anyone this but I remember stuff and I think I know the way out… did y/n by any chance kill a griever before?
Minho: yeah yeah we will go there tomorrow, why?
Thomas: it’s a key to the exit but we’re gonna open it with everyone we will need all the help we can get…

Part 4 at 25 likes!
Comment me to be reminded

Part 4
[Minho’s pov]
I lay in my bed but don’t fall asleep instead I look up at the room of my hut and my memories with her: laughing by the bonfire, her chasing me around the glade even after a long day of running, he sings that filled the glade, us having a duet…. I couldn’t stand it anymore.
I went out and sat in front of the doors, wishing she would just spawn there and wrap me up in a warm hug and her radiant smile, but I knew it was impossible.
I started crying, I had never truly cried before but she was my meaning to live and I lost her…
Newt: Minho? Hey Minho you alright?

Newt saw me in this state and just say with me and put his arm around me.
Newt:Minho it’s alright… let it all out, in gonna miss her too

I fell asleep there with Newt and woke up to the sound of the grinding doors, I shoe up looking for her but to no avail.
Minho: Thomas!

Thomas came running over and u handed him a pair of shoes, he quickly put them on and we ran into the maze looking for the dead griever.

[y/n’s pov]
You just sat there staring at the wall expecting it to open on some time pattern but nothing happened. You remembered everything in the glade: taking down Gally, killing a griever, singing at the bonfires, chasing Minho and newt, making a cake for newts birthday in the kitchen but burning it, and so much more.
Y/n: *in a whisper* someone… *even quieter* pleaseee…..

[Thomas’s pov]
We were running a long time until coming to the griever. It sure was dead….
Thomas: look there

I pointed to something protruding from the griever leg and Minho and I grabbed it out, it was a key to unlock another section and this section was the exit. We looked at each-other and ran full speed to the exit of the maze our trophy in hand
When we got to the maze we called a meeting and showed everyone
Thomas: this is the exit key, this will free us from the maze!

Everyone cheered but Gally questioned us
Gally: how do we know if there’s not danger behind there, not a hundred grievers?
Thomas: we don’t but at the same time do you wanna rot here or do you wanna live your life?
Gally: look you’ve been here for two days I’ve been here for three years
Thomas: yeah but you’re still here Gally!

A glade ran in out of breath…
Newt: what hapoened?!
Glader: the maze doors… they’re not closing…

Part 5 at 30 likes
Part 5 will be on the comments


Not trying to be mean or rude, but it made me laugh when Mhino said keep running but he was walking, it made my day seeing that


I know im late but im bored so ima make a part two and this probably aint even gonna get any likes

The maze doors close and everyone is left stunned as they would of never thought they could lose you. Minho pounds on the door “Y/N NO COME BACK…PLS” along with a few other gladers like Newt, chuck, fry, alby, etc. They all deeply miss you so they make a fire to honor you because you loved fires. They all gathered around and shared their favorite thing that they miss about you. They didnt even think that you were gonna be alive because “no one ever spends a night in the maze and lives to tell the tale” it got to Minho and he said “Y/n, MY y/n I miss your singing, your dancing, spending time with you, watching the stars and sunset with you, i miss everything about yo-“ he got cut off by a ear piercing scream coming from the maze.

Meanwhile y/ns pov:

I was left in horror realizing what just happened, i was gonna…die. You snapped back into reality and sprinted back into the maze knowing it was gonna be night soon and that grievers could attack any minute. You sprinted around for a few minutes until it was dark. There was no sign of grievers so you set down on the cold maze floor, leaning against the wall. You hadnt really realized what happened yet until you set down. Everything sunk in, you started bawling. You lost everything, the glade, the boys that were basically your family, gally’s secret recipe, and most importantantly, Minho. From the very beginning you and Minho had been close. He would always be by your side when no one else was, make sure you had everything you needed and you guys grew even closer when you became a runner. Since you guys saw each other everyday you grew feelings for each other. You never confessed because you didn’t know if he liked you back. But now that you guys had been separated, you both truly realized you didn’t like each other, you loved each other. As you were crying and thinking about Minho you heard a shriek coming from around the corner along with metal clinking across the floor. You quietly stood up in shock, it was a griever. As soon as you guys made eye contact you sprinted as it runs chasing you closely behind. You turn more corners than you can count. You reach a ledge, the griever was right behind your tail so you had no choice but to jump onto the ivy. You twisted and turned trying to escape the griever but you failed and it injected you with its stinger. You scream louder than you’ve ever scram from the pain. You manage to tangle the griever in ivy which gives you some time to run away. That wasn’t enough tho and it escaped continuing to chase you. You kept on running until you saw a closing door you waited the right time and managed to escape hiding the rest of the night. Seeing what had happened to Ben recently when he got injected, you knew even if you did escape it would be short lived. You slowly made your way to the maze doors trying to remember the way but with your sting waying you down you weren’t even sure you were gonna make it.

Back to the glade pov

After hearing that scream everyone sadly accepted it and went to bed. Minho knowing that you probably weren’t gonna make it still sat by the maze doors just hoping and praying you were gonna come out. The maze doors opened and everyone rushed to it quickly since they barely even got any sleep. They looked inside to see no one in sight. “Sorry Min she isnt coming back” Newt said in a sad tone. They all started walking back when they heard a quiet weak “hey” they look back to see a weak y/n walking back “YEAH YEAHHH!!!” They all start cheering but Minho notices you look injured so he sprints in a helps you walk back “Did you see a griever?!” Chuck said. “Yeah and I killed it but-“ “Omg, Y/n… your stung” Thomas says. (Lets just pretend you we’re in the maze instead of Thomas and Min) They quickly place you done and inspect your sting “No… y/n you-your” “Im sorry Min I tried to tried escape.” They rush you to the med jack and lay you down. Everyone had left except Minho, you and him just sat in silence enjoying each other’s presence for possibly the last time. “Hey, Min?” “Yeah?” “I dont even know whats gonna happen or if im even gonna live but I know one thing” “And whats that?” You hesitate but set up “this” you kiss him. You pull back both in shock and you wait a couple of seconds for a response unsure if he felt the same. He kissed you back, his soft lips were addicting so you guys made out for a little. You pulled back “heh I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time” “me too” you guys both giggled. It was getting late so everyone had fallen asleep. Of course, with Minho by your side the whole time. It was morning and Gally had called a meeting everyone was tired and annoyed but they slowly made their way over. You and Minho were entering and you heard arguing. It was newt and gally. Newt has been one of your befriends along with Minho and you could always have a good laugh with him. “Gally come on give her some slack” “No she killed a griever and you know how long we have been coexisting with those things?!” “oh and look there she is great” “You know y/n you just ruin everythin-“ they stop as the box alarm goes off
