Create parcel by layout
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In this video, we're going to create a parcel using the manual creation method. So we're going to go ahead and go up to the Home tab of the remarked drop-down to Parcels and select the Parcel Creation Tools. In doing this, we're going to go ahead and start using a Add Fixed Line with Two Points. I'm going to select that and what simple 3D is going to prompt me to do is create my first initial parcel and set a site to work inside of and assign my parcel styles and my area label styles. So what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to create a new site, and then I'm going to call it Development. I'm going in now and I'm going to hit Apply and hit Okay. Then I'm going to leave this Property and I'm going to leave my labels styles because I'm not going to automatically add segment labels. So I'm going to click Okay. I'm going to click my line. I am going to snap in on the endpoint of this polyline that I have. Then I'm going to snap and on the end of the polyline down here. Then I'm going to click on an Arc. I'm going to do a Fixed Curve Three Points. I'm going to snap it on the end of this. I'm going to do a Midpoint of this arc, and then I'm going to do the endpoint of that arc. I'm going to go back to my line and I'm going to select the endpoint, and then select the end point of this slide. Now that I'm going to the next line, I can just click on the end point and move on to this other endpoint and then select my curve again and select endpoint. Midpoint and Endpoint. I will select my line again and choose Endpoint and Endpoint. Then I will hit Enter to get out of that command and escape to close out the Parcel Creation toolbar. If I zoom out, what you'll see here is in the center, I have a new label. That is my first parcel.