Paths of Glory (1957) - Final Scene

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This is an emotionally evocative scene from the 1957 film Paths of Glory.
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This is the songs translation:

A faithful soldier, without fear,

He loved his girl for one whole year,

For one whole year and longer yet,

His love for her, he'd ne'er forget.

This youth to foreign land did roam,

While his true love, fell ill at home.

Sick unto death, she no one heard.

Three days and nights she spoke no word.

And when the youth received the news,

That his dear love, her life may lose,

He left his place and all he had,

To see his love, went this young lad...

He took her in his arms to hold,

She was not warm, forever cold.

Oh quick, oh quick, bring light to me,

Else my love dies, no one will see...

Pallbearers we need two times three,

Six farmhands they are so heavy.

It must be six of soldiers brave,

To carry my love to her grave.
