The Best Kettlebell Exercises| Part 1| Kettlebell Chest Press| Kettlebell Strength Training Workouts

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The Lion Press| Part 1

This is the 1st Part in our Kettlebell Strength Training Workout Series. We will provide you with exercise instructional videos that will explain why you want to use these exercises and how perform them safely and effectively.

The Kettlebell Swing for fat loss should not be the only reason you pick up a kettlebell. Introducing Kettlebell Strength Training Workouts can provide you with a level of strength and conditioning that may not available to you otherwise.

This single arm version of The Lion Press provides you with a free hand in case things go a bit rouge and you have to bail out safely.

Safety first.

Bottoms Up press alone is an awesome exercise for improving shoulder strength and stability through a principle called a Irradiation. The harder you grip the Kettlebell handle in the traditional Bottoms Up press, the more tension is created in your arm. Gripping can be used to increase the flow of neural drive to all muscles in the extremity. This can lead to increased ability and strength in the entire arm including the shoulder.**

**Alder S, Beckers D, and Buck M. PNF in Practice: An Illustrated Guide. Springer, 2000
Рекомендации по теме

This is great. I'm always looking for different chest exercises with kettlebells and variations. Thank you💪🙏


Would it be more engaging for the chest if done on a bench? As elbow's range of motion is bigger compared to the floor?


Also kettlebells make great attitude adjusters. If someone is acting a fool these are good for dropping on their toes.


Interesting. I need to try that. I'm probably only person in my local gym who uses the kettle bells for what they were made for, not just glutes and thigh workouts lol


You showing how you get the kettlebell down to the ground was goodnfor me! I tried once other day before seeing your video and nearly caused a bad strain with way i did it


Thanks for the video! Question what is the benefit of this exersize compared to a dumbell press? For me it looks like the dumbell press is better because of a greater range of motion?


That doesn't look safe at all bro
