The Cosmic Trinity | The Frequency of the Christed Self

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The Cosmic Trinity is a tri-wave color frequency that brings together all aspects of creation into divine oneness. Together, they form the Threefold Founder Flame. The Cosmic Trinity is often referenced to as the Solar Rishi.

It is embodied through the carrying of the first three emanations of the primal sound field. These light emanations make up the first triad of frequencies of the Universal Trinity.

These color frequencies are located in the 5th harmonic universe, in a non-polarized aspect of the God Matrix.

The first color emanation is the Emerald Order, or the Aqua Blue ray. It represents the Mother aspect of creation. This ray is associated with the Elohim/Elohei. It is located in the 13th dimension. The purpose of the Emerald Order is to return all souls lost in the Phantom Earth matrix back to God Source.

The second color emanation is the Gold Order, or the Gold Ray. It represents the Son aspect of creation, the Christos-Sophia unity field - the energy of non-polarity that is created when the Mother and Father aspects come into union. This ray is associated with the Seraphim, Cerez Avian bird people and Aethian lines. It is located in the 14th dimension. The purpose of the Gold Order is to help rehabilitate and override NAA timelines.

The third color emanation is the Amethyst Order, or the Violet ray. It represents the Father aspect of creation. It is associated with the Cetacean, Pegasus and aquatic frequencies. It is located in the 15th dimension. The purpose of the Amethyst Order is to help rehabilitate the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics and override their NAA timelines.

These color emanations symbolize the color frequencies from which all of creation is born out of. They represent the God Source field of our entire Universal Time Matrix.

The trinity wave is activated at a certain point in a soul's evolution, when all of their 12 Christos identities from all 12 universal time cycles in the Triune of Universes merge. They then experience a Krystallah lightbody activation, which completely realigns all of their chakras to the original trinitized template. This activation is coming directly from the 12D crystalline core of the Earth.

It is a crowning from Earth herself, which calls the soul to embody the energy of their divinity from within the physical plane. It is the prodigal son's return home back into the space of divine love from which they originated, after having experienced themselves from both dark and light aspects. They now know themselves as a GSF being, and are tasked with the personal responsibility of living from this space of knowingness, to live as an example of heaven on Earth.
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