If your birth year has a 19 before it, you should be stretching | roller skate stretches

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Yes, you should be stretching before skating.
If your birth year has a 19 before it, congratulations you have reached the point were stretching is no longer an option.

How lucky we are to get to age when so many people do not get the chance to. ❤️

Please take 3-5 minutes to stretch so you can stay mobile, longer.
Stay tuned for my video on static stretches you can literally do at home in front of your tv.

From sock practice drills and move breakdowns to skate affirmations and beyond. I’ve got you covered there too boo.

📷 IG 🎵TT📍PT @dasiadoesit
00:00 Introduction
00:12 Dynamic Vs Static
01:19 Mindful Stretching
02:08 Leg Swings
02:26 Hip Circles
02:51 Lunges
03:08 Leg Raises
03:27 Ankle Bounces
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You ain’t lyin - i def need to stretch, and i need to do mobility routines more frequently too :(. Def love this vid ! In the ARMY, we did a prep drill - which had us doing mini versions of some of the exercises we were about to partake in, and then at the end, we had a cool down drill, which focused on static stretches - i had no idea this was done in this order to prevent injury -


A 19 before my birthdate?? LoL I’m really getting up there. They’re saying I was born in the late 1900’s 🤣🤣😢😢😢🥺🥺🥺


I watch this video every time I skate 💛


I am grateful that you are reminding us to be mindful in most things and to show ourselves love. Thank you so much for your content and for showing us care like this, you are all things good to us ❤❤❤


Def gonna watch again before my skate session tonight!


Your videos are so informative! Thank you 😊


💙💜 Daily stretching is medicinal 🧘🏿‍♀️


I’m so freaking glad I found your channel!


I agree you’re amazing Dasia, I love your videos skating again after 30years and a TKR


I just found your channel and it is amazing how much your stuff has to do with Tai Chi. In this case, mindful movement. Tai Chi is all about mindful movement. The reason is to build in good habits and good structure by moving slowly and intentionally, so the strong structure is automatic when you move fast. The same thing can hold for stretching: building good bodily connection and structure with slow movement, so the structure remains when moving fast. The world has a few principles with infinite expression.


Omgggg I was up getting a workout in before work and had to do a 10 min stretch before this body would do anything. Grateful this body still moving so I'm trying my best to do right by it😂


Title is shade but I receive it sis 😩😹. Thanks so much for the thoughtful content. Let's make mindful stretching a thing. 💜


Much needed video! I was just thinking that I should probably be stretching more and this popped up! Also, I appreciate the captions ❤️


I'm a new sub and I'm here for it.❤🎉


I will try this!
What do you listen in your headphones?


did you ever upload the part 2 with static stretches after skating? i'd like to know as a beginner skater!


ALLLL the way up into My 30's, I used to roll My eyes at the older ppl stretching before they got on the wood (because I ONLY DO *GROWN*folks sets) and they ALWAYYSSSS STRETCH!!! The REASON I rolled My eyes was because these were veterans who I KNOW ARE PROFICIENT on the wood and I guess I felt like if they can do ALL THAT, then WHAT DO THEY NEED TO STRETCH FOR??? -- literally JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN.
I did the same as a gymrat. Warming up & cooling down were A WHOLE JOKE TO ME in My 20's & 30's... AND THEN I HIT 40, where I began to RELATE TO telling youngerppl to "JUST KEEP ON LIVING".... so here I am ANOTHER decade later, stretching to do daymnnear everything from waking up to laying down & everything in between. 😩😂😂😂
With that said, the ageism shade here was *most respectfully thrown*, lol, in such a way that accountability should be taken, received, AND WORK DONE FOR OUR ISSUES TO BE IMPROVED/RESOLVED.
The PRESENTATION for this is EVERYTHING, and also a lot more biologically educational than I anticipated too... Beautifully done.


Just to be clear...I am only hear to return fire, since I was clearly ATTACKED by this tittle. But after further review... i guess ill like and subscribe instead....
