I asked my girlfriend to choose me or her best friend

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My girlfriend and I have been together for four years. She's been best friends with her friend since middle school. Before I came into the picture they were attached at the hip and then the BFF got jealous of how often my girlfriend and I were together. For our entire relationship, she's been manipulative of my girlfriend and not at all understanding especially when my girlfriend cancels plans with the BFF to hang out with me. She has also said repeatedly that I'm abusive and controlling even though she exclusively dates guys who are AHs. One night, The BFF was going on and on about her new job and my girlfriend finally interrupted to talk about our vacation instead. The BFF got upset and asked if my girlfriend even knew where she worked because my girlfriend "was never around anymore." The BFF started crying in the middle of a bar about how her feelings get hurt when my girlfriend cancels on their plans or doesn't reply to texts. I had enough and asked why she was so obsessed with my girlfriend and our relationship and always needed to lie to get attention (about me being controlling). Then her blowhard boyfriend got involved and threatened me with physical violence. Everyone split up after that and the BFF texted my girlfriend to try to manipulate her some more by saying sorry she started the fight and saying she wanted some space for a while. My girlfriend started crying about how much it all upsets her and after four years I was just kind of tired of it and told her that she needed to choose between me and the BFF. She got upset with me and told me that she couldn't choose between us and it wasn't fair to ask her to even though the BFF was always starting drama.
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The bff has every reason to be mad. If i made plans with my friend and she cancelled everytime to spend time her bf and left me in the dark, i would be mad. And it does sound like the man is controlling, hes litterally asking her to chose between him and her best friend


Okay I believe I already heard this one, though it was quite some time ago...
To put it shortly, one of the friends of OP's gf found the post and explained the other side. The restaurant/bar sit down was for celebrating best friend's new job, so it made sense that she was talking about it and others were interested in it as well, just not OP.

When it came to the not hanging out together, what constantly happened was, that gf and best friend had plans, but then OP either always had an emergency or talked the gf to cancel and hang out with him instead. And that was since they got together.

About the bestfriend's bf threatning/physically atacking OP, it actually didn't happen and was basically, just OP started yelling and getting too close to the bestfriend, acussing her and whatnot and her bf just stood up between them to protect her...

Atleast I believe, that that's this story, cause it sounds the same atleast in this short.


i hv read the post from the friend of the bff and gf side of the story. the guy is an asshole and is rude to the bff and he is actually bigger than the bff's bf


Always bff before boys. I've known my best friend for more than half her life and she will always choose me before him, no matter what


I met my bff when I was to when I was 2 years old and she was 1-year-old how do you say now I'm 9 s my best friend is 8 8 years old
