IRIDOLOGY: What Can an Iridologist Say and Do?

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What can an Iridologist say and do? What is off-limits?

download the constitutional iridology map here:


Starting her holistic health coaching business in 1981, Judith began with Jensenian iridology and lay training in herbology, nutrition, and vita-flex. Over the next few years she added Master Herbalist, and formal nutrition training to her repertoire, however, her iridology training never felt right. The iris changes she had been promised would happen with cleanses and special diets never happened. The fiber structure didn’t change. The pigments did not go away. And even more than that, her clients left the office, discouraged, with a long list of iris markings and the health challenges they supposedly posed and equally long lists of supplements, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle changes.

Judith’s frustration grew, and just as she was about to throw in the towel and walk away from iridology she was introduced to Constitutional Iridology, Bill Caradonna, and the teachings of Harri Wolfe. This style of iridology made sense because it is based on inherent traits, patterns in the irides, and looking at the whole picture instead of ‘slicing and dicing’ the iris into a list of markers.

Judith has studied CI since the early 1990’s, and has become a respected CI instructor (certified by IIPA).
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