Think you were born 'on the cusp?'—THINK AGAIN!

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Think you were born "on the cusp?"—THINK AGAIN!

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Some people are getting a little heated about sign cusps here in the comments... and yes it still IS a controversial topic among some astrologers!

I love that you all have your own opinions and I'm happy to have you share them here on my channel. But please, keep your comments respectful.

For the record, I always advocate that you do your own research and experimentation (meaning, practice the techniques you're learning and see how they work for you in your own readings) and use whatever techniques work the best for you and provide the best, most accurate results for your clients.

For me, personally, after over a decade of experimentation, research and practice what I've taught in this video is what I've found works best for Zodiac sign "cusps."

I only share what's worked consistently for me in practice. I'm concerned only with practical application in astrology, not theory and speculation.

If you've find something that works better for you, that's excellent and I fully support you 100%.

In the mean time, I'll continue to teach what's consistently worked well for myself and for my students. I hope you'll support me in that too. ❤


Nah... whenever I cant't figure out a person's sign vibe.... They a cuspie. #Cusps are DEFINATELY a real thing🤭 #Cuspie Folks are like "OoooOoooo Lala!"😏🤩🕺🏽💃🏽


Born with 29 degrees Sag. Told I was a cusp.


Heather, Here’s some food for thought…I was born on 12/21 at 5:06 AM…that makes me a Sag sun, however if I were to be born the same day just at 5:06 PM that would make me a Capricorn sun…also I hear most say the winter solstice is the first day of Capricorn season, however the winter solstice is 12/21…last day of Sagittarius 🤦‍♀️ Also, my Mars is in Capricorn and I have to say that I resonate more with Capricorn horoscopes then Sagittarius. But first and foremost Ill listen for my Scorpio Venus and Rising….I just call myself a Sagicap 😂


I agree. I always say you are that sign till 30°00'00". Then it starts a new sign at 00°00'01"

What confuses it is when you have a personal planet conjunct straddling the changeover.


I know your trying to get people to take your class but I’m literally on the cusp august 23rd with a sun sign of Leo ♌️ and rising sign of Virgo so yes I feel like I’m both ❤


So to touch on the myth of the combo of cusp energies...a bit off track - we work towards being able to use all of the energies of the wheel, not just wearing our signs and energies as badges.


Being born April 19th….this hits HARD. My sun (Aries) and Mercury/South node(Taurus) are both in my second house. As I grow older I realize I’m more Aries than I’ve ever been. It’s my South Node that makes me feel Taurian.


I really like your take on the 29th and 0 degree.


Idk... I'm 1° Sag sun, 29° Leo moon, and 29° Scorpio rising. Lots of confliction in my chart. Anyways I can't focus well enough to understand it as a whole, lol, but that's ok. I just know some days and some chapters of my life, I feel more Scorpio, or more Sagittarius, or more Leo, or more Virgo. Lol. It's a fun mix!


My partner is 29°57' Scorpio sun, and he always thought he was a Sagittarius until I pulled his chart. He's not into astrology, so he doesn't believe me, but I know. Lots of Scorpio in his chart as well.


Interesting, even though I think cusps make perfectly sense!


So weird. That stern, psychic, plutonic Capricorn baby is me. You sure nailed that.


Thank you SO much, clear, concise, super important and easy to understand. You're a 🌟 Heather, love from the 🇬🇧


I wonder if Cusps are really not a thing. It can be a thing since it's proven to have some predictability. It doesn't matter how you deliniate. What matters is, that it's correct.


So this is very interesting because my Saturn is in the 29 degree in Aquarius. I know I've struggled a lot with lacking discipline but I also have a little psychic energy and I'm told I have a lot of wisdom. I also though suffer a lot from depression and I feel like all of that is connected to Saturn in a way.


Oh and my newmoon libra is 28 degrees 2nd conj sun Scorpio


This info was Great! Thanks so much! Btw I love the bangs, but please trim them. Their way too long and get in your eyes. You are beautiful 😍


I had to comment on this . I am a Leo (Aug 20) on the Leo/ virgo cusp and i feel like I am much more a Virgo than a Leo. I am more analytical and intuitive and a lot more private than the average Leo. Most think i am a virgo as well. I see this with other cusps people . Not all . There is an energetic overlap for sure


Heather, you look beautiful. Love your poncho! Thanks for all ur valuable information 🥰🌻🌸🪻
