Petrolern P.A.S.S Talk#4 by Dr Alan Cohen: Fiber Optic Sensing Technology

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This presentation was first given as the keynote address at the 2018 SPE Workshop on Advanced Sensing in Denver, CO. It summarizes and integrates learnings from several United States national laboratories on fiber-optic sensing technology including quantum sensing, and machine learning and AI. Applications extend to upstream oil and gas, midstream (e.g. pipeline monitoring); carbon storage; environmental; and geothermal. These include real-time measurements and analysis.
The National Energy Technology Laboratory is working on: distributed chemical sensing; advanced fiber optic interrogation methods; and optical fiber fabrication.
Berkeley Lab has been doing: field demonstration projects for CO2 sequestration; and novel methods for permanent reservoir monitoring.
Oak Ridge focuses on: quantum sensing techniques and quantum noise reduction.
And, Lawrence Livermore has a facility to design, model, fabricate and process custom fiber-optic cable; and has been investigating data analytics (including physics-based methods) for rigorous feature extraction from large DTS (temperature), DSS (strain) and DAS (acoustic) data sets.
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